Описание: The continual demand among graphic artists for floral and botanical illustrations, combined with the perennial popularity of the Victorian style, have inspired this practical royalty-free collection. Artist Carol Belanger Grafton has selected 344 handsome and botanically accurate wood engravings from two notable botanical classics: Paxton's Flower Garden by John Lindley and Sir Joseph Paxton, 1850-53; and The Natural History of Plants: Their Forms, Growth, Reproduction, and Distribution by Anton Kerner von Marilaun and F. W. Oliver, 1902.Illustrations include exquisitely detailed renderings of flowers and other plant features of exotic specimens from around the world: passionflower, baobab, spider lily, hop, quaking grass, mourning cypress, American mangrove, wayfaring tree, Christmas rose, Indian rhododendron, false indigo, winged pea, Persian walnut. cat's-claw mimosa, Bhutan cypress, and many more.The engravings encompass a broad spectrum of plant forms: trees, shrubs, aquatic and climbing plants, evergreens, vines, brushes, herbs, various perennials, and others. Orchids are especially well represented; over 10 percent of the illustrations in this volume depict orchids. Each illustration is accompanied by an identifying caption that provides the scientific name and a brief description of the plant, its native region, and if it is a flower, the coloration of the blossoms.The clarity and accuracy of these engravings is striking; they are well-suited to reproduction for almost any graphic purpose. Moreover, all illlustrations are royalty-free; no prior permission or fee is required for their use. Invaluable to graphic artists in need of a comprehensive archive of unusual floral illustrations, this versatile reference will delight botanists, naturalists, flower lovers, and any admirer of exotic plants that are depicted with the meticulous clarity and detail of fine engravings.
Описание: In the 1930s, the Fashion Review Service offered a wide selection of advertising spots to small clothing and department stores that had no art staffs of their own. The cuts provided an accurate depiction of the latest fashion trends―hemline lengths, use of fur trims, sleek silhouettes, lapel widths, and much more. This volume reproduces hundreds of illustrations from issues of that now-rare periodical. A "must-have" for graphic artists looking for authentic fashions of the 1930s, this collection of more than 470 illustrations depicts, in sharp and easy-to-reproduce detail, formal and casual wear for adults and children of all ages. Among the items shown are stylish dresses, suits, evening gowns, coats, loungewear, fur stoles, handbags, lingerie, jewelry, and hats for women; men's suits, slacks, beachwear, jackets, ties, shoes, and pajamas; and a variety of playclothes and special-occasion outfits for infants, young children, and teenagers. An instant source of period charm for designers, these illustrations will also be of great value to students of fashion and costume history.
Описание: In Washington`s God Michael Novak-one of America`s leading neoconservative pundits-and his daughter, Jana, uncover George Washington`s religious life. Finally the record is set straight on the most thoroughly misunderstood aspect of Washington`s life. The Novaks focus on Washington`s strong trust in divine Providence and see this belief as providing the unifying narrative to his monumental life.
Описание: First published in 1984, this book filled an acknowledged gap in the social history of the eighteenth century. Drawing on newspapers, journals, memoirs, diaries, courtesy books, county surveys and records, it also does so on the literature of the period. It examines the role assigned to women in society and explores attitudes of the time and the real experience of women.
With this volume at your fingertips, you can choose from a wealth of professional-quality illustrations of working men and women -- the perfect enhancement for ads, catalogs, brochures, newsletters, flyers -- almost any graphic purpose. You'll find expert, realistic depictions (each in two handy sizes) of a florist, house painter, plumber, carpenter, butcher, electrician, TV repairman, steelworker, tree surgeon, jewelry engraver, barber, flight attendant, restaurant hostess, and over 80 other occupations. Immediately usable without permission or fee, these versatile illustrations will add just the right touch to your next project.
Описание: Contemporary artists and designers are finding the wood engraving one of the most highly desirable sources of illustration for many design purposes. Simple and bold or capable of the most exquisite effects of tonal gradation, this elegant black-and-white artwork sustains no loss in reproduction and is a perfect complement to typography. 1,419 clear wood engravings present, in natural, lifelike poses, over 1,000 species of animals. Included are many different versions of the familiar animals most wanted and used by commercial artists and craftsmen. Arranged according to the following seven categories, the illustrations portray mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and other invertebrates. Selected for their visual impact and usability by artist-collagist Jim Harter, these illustrations form one of the most extensive, copyright-free pictorial sourcebooks of animals ever assembled for the specific use of illustrators, graphic designers, craftspeople, decoupeurs, and collagists. Captions give modern common-name identifications, and a thorough index provides immediate access to individual animal pictures. Because of the accuracy and detail of most of the renderings, naturalists will also enjoy browsing through this volume and using it for illustrative purposes.