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History and Dictionary of British Flower Painters 1650-1950

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Название:  History and Dictionary of British Flower Painters 1650-1950
Перевод названия: Английские художники-флористы 1650-1950 гг.
ISBN: 9781851495047
Издательство: ACC-distribution titles
ISBN-10: 1851495045
Обложка/Формат: Hardback
Страницы: 240
Вес: 1.534 кг.
Дата издания: 01.06.2006
Язык: English
Издание: Illustrated ed
Иллюстрации: 90 colour illustrations
Размер: 246 x 290 x 23
Читательская аудитория: General (us: trade)
Подзаголовок: 1650-1950
Ссылка на Издательство: Link
Поставляется из: Англии
Описание: This major reference work concentrates on British flower painting from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries. The dictionary provides the biographical details of almost 1000 British flower painters, including specialties, awards and exhibitions.

The Brothers Le Nain: Painters of Seventeenth-Century France

Автор: Dickerson C. D. III, Bell Esther
Название: The Brothers Le Nain: Painters of Seventeenth-Century France
ISBN: 0300218885 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780300218886
Издательство: Yale University Press
Цена: 10278 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: A beautiful volume that brings to light the forgotten Le Nain brothers, a trio of 17th-century French master painters who specialized in portraiture, religious subjects, and scenes of everyday peasant life

Masters of Venice: Renaissance Painters of Passion and Power

Автор: Ferino Sylvia
Название: Masters of Venice: Renaissance Painters of Passion and Power
ISBN: 3791351680 ISBN-13(EAN): 9783791351681
Издательство: Prestel Publishing Limited
Цена: 3861 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: Featuring fifty masterworks by Mantegna, Giorgione, Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto, this stunning book examines the brilliant painters who transformed the art of Renaissance Venice.

Sign Painters

Автор: Levine Faythe, Macon Sam
Название: Sign Painters
ISBN: 1616890835 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781616890834
Издательство: Abrams
Цена: 3055 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: There was a time-as recently as the 1980s-when storefronts, murals, banners, barn signs, billboards, and even street signs were all hand-lettered with brush and paint. But, like many skilled trades, the sign industry has been overrun by the techno-fueled promise of quicker and cheaper. The resulting proliferation of computer-designed, die-cut vinyl lettering and inkjet printers has ushered a creeping sameness into our visual landscape.

Fortunately, there is a growing trend to seek out traditional sign painters and a renaissance in the trade. In 2010 filmmakers Faythe Levine, coauthor of Handmade Nation , and Sam Macon began documenting these dedicated practitioners, their time-honored methods, and their appreciation for quality and craftsmanship. Sign Painters , the first anecdotal history of the craft, features stories and photographs of more than two dozen sign painters working in cities throughout the United States.

100 Painters of Tomorrow

Автор: Beers, Kurt
Название: 100 Painters of Tomorrow
ISBN: 0500239231 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780500239230
Издательство: Thames & Hudson
Цена: 6256 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.


Sjukskoterskans Omvardnadskunnandear den idealiska bokenfor svenska sjukskoterskor.Sjukskoterskans Omvardnadskunnandear baseradpaFundamentals of Nursingav Kozier, Erb, Berman och Snyder och den svenska utgavan har bearbetats avett mycket erfaret team av svenska forskare och forelasare.

Texten ar omfattande och har genomgaende ett praktiskt perspektiv som ger en grundlig inblick i amnet.

Boken tar bland annat upp omvardnadens historiska utveckling, lagar och traditioner, halsa och ohalsa, etikoch sakerhet i vardandet, infektionskontroll och hygien, hud och sar, fysisk aktivitet, atandet, vatskebalansoch utsondringar, smarta, akut omhandertagande, palliativ vard.

Pa ett pedagogiskt och informativt satt levandegors materialet samtidigt som studenterna far en god insikt i praktiskt arbete med hjalp av:

  • Berattelse fran vardeninleder de flesta kapitel och har som syfte att visa nagot som en sjukskoterska kan mota, med sikte pa kapitlets innehall.
  • OmvГЋВЈrdnadsprocessenar utover ett sarskilt kapitel ocksa en rubrik i flera kapitel. Dar papekas under Bedomning sadant som kan behova sarskilt observeras, anvandbara skalor och bedomningsinstrument presenteras och ges referenser.
  • Begreppetomvardnadsdiagnoserges utrymme, ofta med exempel fran NANDA-klassifikationen.
  • Nar det ar relevant presenteras denfysiologisom behovs for att forsta patientens symtom och varfor viss omvardnad behover utforas.
  • Forskning i fokus -forskningsstudier som anvands som stod i form av informativa rutor.
  • Arbetsledande synpunkterges i samband med omvardnadsatgarder som ofta utfors av annan vardpersonal och dar sjukskoterskan har ett arbetsledande ansvar.

Bokens hanvisningar till Vardhandboken gor att atgarder presenteras sakert och uppdaterat.

Birgitta Klang och Ingrid Thorell-Ekstrand (bada leg sjukskoterskor, doktorer imedicinsk vetenskap, tidigare lektorer vid Roda Korsets Hogskola och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset) ar bokens huvudredaktorer. De har arbetat med ett mycket erfaret forfattarteam som tillsammans har bred kunskap och gedigen erfarenhet
av undervisning inom (TM)mnet.

French Naturalist Painters

Автор: Van de Putte, Emmanuel
Название: French Naturalist Painters
ISBN: 8857214427 ISBN-13(EAN): 9788857214429
Издательство: Thames & Hudson
Цена: 5354 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: Eight French painters born after 1870 are brought together for the first time in an exhibition that highlights their mutual affinities and charts their respective influences and evolutions. Aside from Gaston Balande (1880-1971), who is well known for his art deco wall murals designed for transatlantic ships, and Paul Deltombe (1878-1971), who benefited from a retrospective exhibition in 1970, the work of the other painters collected here has remained uncelebrated for far too long. The present exhibition and its catalogue aim to repair this oversight, as well as to reignite the study of this generation of French painters who, without turning their back on the avant-gardists, concentrated primarily on the traditional genre of landscape, and to a lesser degree on still-lifes. The 80 works of art, mainly painted between the wars, are at the crossroads of the many influences of this creative period, where tradition and the avant-garde blended together without restraint. This syncretism is frequently illustrated by landscapes where the diversity reflects the search for new effects and beautiful themes as well as an appetite for travel and discoveries. This panorama of Douce France signals the last breath for this pictorial style that was the inheritor and continuation of the Impressionist movement –a status that was bound to be lost forever after the Second World War.

Pictorial Dictionary of British 19th Century Furniture Design

Автор: Edward Joy
Название: Pictorial Dictionary of British 19th Century Furniture Design
ISBN: 0902028472 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780902028470
Издательство: ACC-distribution titles
Цена: 8848 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: The 19th century produced dozens of independent designers, particularly towards the end of the period. As the furniture trade developed, so manufacturers and retailing split. Catalogues began to be used in retail shops as they are today. Competition between retailers and the use of the new design books resulted in a large number of designs, not only new ones but also a constant looking backwards to earlier centuries for inspiration. This change in the structure of the industry made full use of highly individual interpretations of Gothic, Renaissance, Elizabethan, "Naturalistic" styles, Egyptian, Old French, Louis Quatorze, Louis Quinze and Italian decorations, all applied to a wide variety of furniture. The complexity of the subject is explained by a number of illustrations and this is the reason why some 6,000 appear within this book. The Dictionary is made up from 49 contemporary design and pattern books issued by manufacturers such as Heal's, Smith, Tatham, King, Pugin, Morris and Liberty's. Each piece of furniture has been sorted into its physical characteristics (e.g. table with three legs) so that it is only necessary to glance down the list of contents to identify into which category any particular piece belongs. Within each category the pieces are arranged in chronological order so that the evolution of each type is clearly seen. This "Pictorial Dictionary" provides the first major study on the very wide range of furniture produced in this prolific century and it has, consequently, become the standard work of reference on the subject.

Victorian Painters 2-Plates (Dic Brit Art v.IV)

Название: Victorian Painters 2-Plates (Dic Brit Art v.IV)
ISBN: 1851491724 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781851491728
Издательство: ACC-distribution titles
Цена: 4755 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: The first edition of "The Dictionary of Victorian Painters" was published in 1971 and contained details of 1,800 artists together with 250 illustrations. It became an accepted text book on Victorian artists and was reprinted four times until a second, revised and enlarged edition with 11,000 entries and 550 illustrations appeared in 1978. "The Dictionary" is now revised in two volumes, each complementary to one another yet entirely independent works, depending on the particular interest of the reader. Thislume contains a scholarly introduction of some 70 pages in which the author discusses the development and importance of Victorian painters and their work setting it within the context of the time. This prepares the reader for the visual examples which follow, 750 black and white and 40 colour plates. The examples which are included show the tremendous output and range of paintings of the time and provide the reader with a visual account of this period in British art. Illustrations, for the most part arranged alphabetically by artist, are a representative selection and provide a picture of the full range of Victorian art. As a visual reference this title should prove useful and will occupy a place in most libraries, art galleries, museums and anywhere that people wish to check details or learn more about one of the most productive periods in British art.

Victorian Painters 1-Text (Dic Brit Art v.IV)

Название: Victorian Painters 1-Text (Dic Brit Art v.IV)
ISBN: 1851491716 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781851491711
Издательство: ACC-distribution titles
Цена: 4755 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: The first edition of "The Dictionary of Victorian Painters" was published in 1971 and contained details of 1,800 artists together with 250 illustrations. It became an accepted textbook on Victorian artists and was reprinted four times until a second, revised and much enlarged edition with 11,000 entries and 550 illustrations appeared in 1978. "The Dictionary" is now revised in two volumes, each complementary to one another yet entirely independent wos, depending on the particular interest of the reader. This volume contains over 11,000 entries, which have been revised and updated where appropriate to reflect recent research, as well as much additional material. In many cases the entries are treated as short essays and contain details of exhibitions and gallery viewings of artists' works. Every attempt has been made to make this edition a comprehensive one by listing every artist recorded during the period 1837-1901, even those who only exhibited one work. Research has been carried out into all available printed sources as well as saleroom and dealers' catalogues. Much of the information given is not to be found in any other works and "The Dictionary" is, therefore, an important source of reference for all with an interest in or who are concerned with art of the Victorian period.

Contemporary Painters

Название: Contemporary Painters
ISBN: 0764341081 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780764341083
Издательство: Schiffer
Цена: 9043 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: Over 500 striking color images display the artwork of 100 contemporary painters from around the world. Their works, in oils, acrylics, and watercolors, range from very traditional pieces representing their mother countries to emerging styles that are new on the world scene. NaA?ve style painters resurge with a new spark, while others ventured into a more futuristic direction, mixing styles and creating completely unique and innovative canvases. No matter in which direction the artists take their work, each painting is truly exceptional and comes straight from the heart. The painters, from child prodigies to experienced veterans, are arranged alphabetically, allowing readers to view all the work of each artist together. Through this book, readers will travel the world and discover amazing contemporary artists and their important works of art. This book is a must for serious art collectors, enthusiasts, gallery owners, and artists.

Dictionary of Sea Painters

Название: Dictionary of Sea Painters
ISBN: 1851492690 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781851492695
Издательство: Antique Collectors Club Ltd
Цена: 8830 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: With a range stretching from works by Turner to the humble, yet finely detailed harbour paintings intended for master mariners, this guide to marine painting contains biographical and stylistic information on nearly 1200 artists, with over 1000 illustrations. It also offers detailed drawings of the stems and sterns of important ships and illustrations of maritime flags.

100 New York Painters

Автор: Cynthia Maris Dantzic
Название: 100 New York Painters
ISBN: 0764325434 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780764325434
Издательство: Schiffer
Цена: 7273 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: This stunning book is the long-awaited result of an extensive review of New York painters and their widely diverse works. It presents an overview of styles, mediums, subjects, even philosophies of art found in galleries, museums, and artists studios of present-day New York, the oft-acknowledged Art Capital of the contemporary world. Although you may recognize the names and works of many, this company of 100 painters also features works by artists less celebrated, though no less deserving of attention. Expect to find recent works, as well as paintings from an earlier period of an artists oeuvre -- as near as Kelynn Alders "Coney Island," painted specifically for this book, and as distant as George Tookers iconic allegory, "Subway," painted in 1950. Brief biographical sketches accompany each artists work, providing insight into their emotional and philosophical connection with art as well as their schooling and accomplishments. Experience for yourself this visual feast showcasing the unique works of 100 gifted New York painters. This book is a must-have addition for the library of any art connoisseur and/or collector.

Painting for Profit - The Economic Lives of Seventeenth-Century Italian Painters

Автор: Spear
Название: Painting for Profit - The Economic Lives of Seventeenth-Century Italian Painters
ISBN: 0300154569 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780300154566
Издательство: Yale University Press
Цена: 17875 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: Investigates the financial worlds of painters in Baroque Italy. Exploring the many variables that determined the prices asked or received by painters, this book offers major insights into the social lives, psychological disposition, and economic circumstances of a wide range of major and minor artists.

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