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Surprise! 2 Teacher`s Book, Allan D.

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Автор: Allan D.
Название:  Surprise! 2 Teacher`s Book
ISBN: 9789608136076
Издательство: New Editions
Издательство: New editions
ISBN-10: 9608136075
Обложка/Формат: Paperback
Дата издания: 01.10.2001
Размер: book
Читательская аудитория: Elt / tefl
Описание: Presents grammatical and lexical items in a continuing story, using dialogues in natural everyday language that constantly recycle what has already been learnt. This work contains: 20 graded units designed to be simple to use and easy to teach; attractive illustrations, stickers and songs to maintain a high level of motivation; and more.

Skills Booster 2 Elementary Teacher`s Book [Young Learner]

Автор: Green A.
Название: Skills Booster 2 Elementary Teacher`s Book [Young Learner]
ISBN: 9604035495 ISBN-13(EAN): 9789604035496
Издательство: New Editions
Цена: 650 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть

Описание: Provides a general introduction to the "Skills Booster" series and contains useful advice on course planning. This title also includes listening tapescripts and answer keys.

Skills Booster 1 Beginner Teacher`s Book [Young Learner]

Автор: Green A.
Название: Skills Booster 1 Beginner Teacher`s Book [Young Learner]
ISBN: 9604033778 ISBN-13(EAN): 9789604033775
Издательство: New Editions
Цена: 783 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: Provides a general introduction to the "Skills Booster" series and contains useful advice on course planning. This title also includes listening tapescripts and answer keys.

Access To FCE Teacher`s Book (Rev 2008)

Автор: Parsalis J., Stephens N.
Название: Access To FCE Teacher`s Book (Rev 2008)
ISBN: 9604037374 ISBN-13(EAN): 9789604037377
Издательство: New Editions
Цена: 589 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: Features simple presentation of grammar with reference tables and explanations. This title includes varied exercises after the presentation of each grammar point which give students plenty of practice. It offers special vocabulary units concentrating on phrasal verbs, prepositions, word formation and words easily confused.

Surprise! 2 Student`s Book

Автор: Allan D.
Название: Surprise! 2 Student`s Book
ISBN: 9608136083 ISBN-13(EAN): 9789608136083
Издательство: New Editions
Цена: 611 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: Presenting a two-level primary course, this title helps ensure progressive development of pupil`s language skills. It provides grammatical and lexical items in a continuing story, using dialogues in natural everyday language that constantly recycle what has already been learnt.

Theatrical Readers 1&2: Teacher`s Guide

Автор: Allan D.
Название: Theatrical Readers 1&2: Teacher`s Guide
ISBN: 9604030302 ISBN-13(EAN): 9789604030309
Издательство: New Editions
Цена: 260 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть

Описание: Presents illustrated comic-strip readers. This work is designed so that when students have read the story, and completed the activity pages at the end of the book, they are ready to perform the play. Each story is recorded on a cassette/CD along with all the songs and separate instrumental tracks for use during performances.

Surprise! 2 Tests

Автор: Allan D.
Название: Surprise! 2 Tests
ISBN: 9604030647 ISBN-13(EAN): 9789604030644
Издательство: New Editions
Цена: 129 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: Presents grammatical and lexical items in a continuing story, using dialogues in natural everyday language that constantly recycle what has already been learnt. This book contains: 20 units; illustrations, stickers and songs to maintain a high level of motivation; an approach to developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills; and more.

Автор: Zaphiropoulos S.
Название: Surprise! Verb Flashcards
ISBN: 142401350X ISBN-13(EAN): 9781424013500
Издательство: New Editions
Цена: 1164 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: Surprise! Flash Cards offer practice and reinforcement of key vocabulary and concepts.

Surprise! Alphabet Flashcards

Автор: Zaphiropoulos S.
Название: Surprise! Alphabet Flashcards
ISBN: 1424013496 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781424013494
Издательство: New Editions
Цена: 1164 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: Surprise! Alphabet Flash cards offer extra pronunciation and letter recognition practice.

Автор: Allan D.
Название: Surprise! 2 Audio CD(x1)
ISBN: 960403586X ISBN-13(EAN): 9789604035861
Издательство: New Editions
Цена: 870 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

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