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Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Baltagi Badi H

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Автор: Baltagi Badi H
Название:  Econometric Analysis of Panel Data
Перевод названия: Бади Балтаги: Эконометрический анализ данных многомерного ряда
ISBN: 9781118672327
Издательство: Wiley
ISBN-10: 1118672321
Обложка/Формат: Paperback
Страницы: 388
Вес: 0.668 кг.
Дата издания: 09.08.2013
Серия: Economics/Business/Finance
Язык: English
Издание: 5th edition
Иллюстрации: Black & white illustrations, black & white tables, figures
Размер: 244 x 175 x 21
Читательская аудитория: Professional & vocational
Ключевые слова: Economics
Ссылка на Издательство: Link
Поставляется из: Англии
Описание: Panel data econometrics has evolved rapidly over the last decade. Micro and Macro panels are increasing in numbers and availability and methods to deal with these data are in high demand from practitioners.

      Старое издание
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data 4e

Автор: Baltagi
Название: Econometric Analysis of Panel Data 4e
ISBN: 0470518863 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780470518861
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 7205 р.
Наличие на складе: Поставка под заказ.
Описание: "This is a definitive book written by one of the architects of modern panel data econometrics. It provides both a practical introduction to the subject matter, as well as a thorough discussion of the underlying statistical principles without taxing the reader too greatly.

Mostly harmless econometrics

Автор: Angrist, J.d. Pischke, Jorn-steffen
Название: Mostly harmless econometrics
ISBN: 0691120358 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780691120355
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 7128 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: Shows how the basic tools of applied econometrics allow the data to speak. This book covers regression-discontinuity designs and quantile regression - as well as how to get standard errors right. It is suitable for various areas in contemporary social science.

Introductory Econometrics for Finance

Автор: Brooks
Название: Introductory Econometrics for Finance
ISBN: 1107661455 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781107661455
Издательство: Cambridge Academ
Цена: 7918 р.
Наличие на складе: Поставка под заказ.

Описание: This bestselling and thoroughly classroom-tested textbook is a complete resource for finance students. A comprehensive and illustrated discussion of the most common empirical approaches in finance prepares students for using econometrics in practice, while detailed case studies help them understand how the techniques are used in relevant financial contexts. Worked examples from the latest version of the popular statistical software EViews guide students to implement their own models and interpret results. Learning outcomes, key concepts and end-of-chapter review questions (with full solutions online) highlight the main chapter takeaways and allow students to self-assess their understanding. Building on the successful data- and problem-driven approach of previous editions, this third edition has been updated with new data, extensive examples and additional introductory material on mathematics, making the book more accessible to students encountering econometrics for the first time. A companion website, with numerous student and instructor resources, completes the learning package.

A Guide to Modern Econometrics

Автор: Verbeek M
Название: A Guide to Modern Econometrics
ISBN: 1119951674 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781119951674
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 7918 р.
Наличие на складе: Поставка под заказ.

Описание: This highly successful text serves as a guide to alternative techniques in econometrics with an emphasis on the practical application of these approaches. The 4th Edition features: Coverage of a wide range of topics, including time series analysis, cointegration, limited dependent variables, panel data analysis and the generalized method of moments. Intuitive presentation and discussion, with a focus on implementation and practical relevance. A large number of empirical illustrations taken from a wide variety of fields, including international economics, finance, labour economics and macroeconomics. Increased focus on robust inference and small sample properties. End-of-chapter exercises, both theoretical and empirical, reviewing key concepts. Updated and expanded coverage, on various topics such as missing data, outliers, forecast evaluation, the estimation of treatment effects and panel unit root tests. Supplementary material, including PowerPoint slides for lecturers, data sets of the empirical illustrations and exercises, and solutions to selected exercises in each chapter, available at www.wileyeurope.com/college/verbeek

Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data

Автор: Wooldridge, Jeffrey M.
Название: Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data
ISBN: 0262232332 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780262232333
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 3160 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: This is the companion volume to Jeffrey Wooldridge`s textbook "Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data". This manual contains answers to selected problems, new examples and supplementary materials designed by the author.

Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data 2e

Автор: Wooldridge JM
Название: Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data 2e
ISBN: 0262232588 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780262232586
Издательство: MIT Press
Цена: 19468 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.


The second edition of a comprehensive state-of-the-art graduate level text on microeconometric methods, substantially revised and updated.

The second edition of this acclaimed graduate text provides a unified treatment of two methods used in contemporary econometric research, cross section and data panel methods. By focusing on assumptions that can be given behavioral content, the book maintains an appropriate level of rigor while emphasizing intuitive thinking. The analysis covers both linear and nonlinear models, including models with dynamics and/or individual heterogeneity. In addition to general estimation frameworks (particular methods of moments and maximum likelihood), specific linear and nonlinear methods are covered in detail, including probit and logit models and their multivariate, Tobit models, models for count data, censored and missing data schemes, causal (or treatment) effects, and duration analysis.

Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data was the first graduate econometrics text to focus on microeconomic data structures, allowing assumptions to be separated into population and sampling assumptions. This second edition has been substantially updated and revised. Improvements include a broader class of models for missing data problems; more detailed treatment of cluster problems, an important topic for empirical researchers; expanded discussion of "generalized instrumental variables" (GIV) estimation; new coverage (based on the author's own recent research) of inverse probability weighting; a more complete framework for estimating treatment effects with panel data, and a firmly established link between econometric approaches to nonlinear panel data and the "generalized estimating equation" literature popular in statistics and other fields. New attention is given to explaining when particular econometric methods can be applied; the goal is not only to tell readers what does work, but why certain "obvious" procedures do not. The numerous included exercises, both theoretical and computer-based, allow the reader to extend methods covered in the text and discover new insights.

Companion to econometric analysis of panel data

Автор: Baltagi, Badi H.
Название: Companion to econometric analysis of panel data
ISBN: 0470744030 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780470744031
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 6645 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: `Econometric Analysis of Panel Data` has become established as the leading textbook for postgraduate courses in panel data - this book is intended as a companion to the main text.

An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata

Автор: Baum
Название: An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata
ISBN: 1597180130 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781597180139
Издательство: Taylor&Francis
Цена: 12631 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.


Integrating a contemporary approach to econometrics with the powerful computational tools offered by Stata, An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata focuses on the role of method-of-moments estimators, hypothesis testing, and specification analysis and provides practical examples that show how the theories are applied to real data sets using Stata.

As an expert in Stata, the author successfully guides readers from the basic elements of Stata to the core econometric topics. He first describes the fundamental components needed to effectively use Stata. The book then covers the multiple linear regression model, linear and nonlinear Wald tests, constrained least-squares estimation, Lagrange multiplier tests, and hypothesis testing of nonnested models. Subsequent chapters center on the consequences of failures of the linear regression model's assumptions. The book also examines indicator variables, interaction effects, weak instruments, underidentification, and generalized method-of-moments estimation. The final chapters introduce panel-data analysis and discrete- and limited-dependent variables and the two appendices discuss how to import data into Stata and Stata programming.

Presenting many of the econometric theories used in modern empirical research, this introduction illustrates how to apply these concepts using Stata. The book serves both as a supplementary text for undergraduate and graduate students and as a clear guide for economists and financial analysts.

Econometric Modelling with Time Series

Автор: Martin
Название: Econometric Modelling with Time Series
ISBN: 0521196604 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780521196604
Издательство: Cambridge Academ
Цена: 15838 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: This book provides a general framework for specifying, estimating and testing time series econometric models. Special emphasis is given to estimation by maximum likelihood, but other methods are also discussed, including quasi-maximum likelihood estimation, generalised method of moments estimation, nonparametric estimation and estimation by simulation.

Essays in Panel Data Econometrics

Автор: Marc Nerlove
Название: Essays in Panel Data Econometrics
ISBN: 0521815347 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780521815345
Издательство: Cambridge Academ
Цена: 12355 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: This volume collects seven of Marc Nerlove`s previously published, classic essays on panel data econometrics, and a cogent essay on the history of the subject. The essays illustrate both the role of the substantive context in shaping appropriate methods of inference and the increasing importance of computer-intensive methods.

Applied Nonparametric Econometrics

Автор: Henderson
Название: Applied Nonparametric Econometrics
ISBN: 0521279682 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780521279680
Издательство: Cambridge Academ
Цена: 6334 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: The majority of empirical research in economics ignores the potential benefits of nonparametric methods, while the majority of advances in nonparametric theory ignore the problems faced in applied econometrics. This book helps bridge this gap between applied economists and theoretical nonparametric econometricians, discussing basic to advanced nonparametric methods with applications.

Econometric Analysis of Panel Data 4e

Автор: Baltagi
Название: Econometric Analysis of Panel Data 4e
ISBN: 0470518863 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780470518861
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 7205 р.
Наличие на складе: Поставка под заказ.

Описание: "This is a definitive book written by one of the architects of modern panel data econometrics. It provides both a practical introduction to the subject matter, as well as a thorough discussion of the underlying statistical principles without taxing the reader too greatly.

Econometric Modelling with Time Series

Автор: Martin
Название: Econometric Modelling with Time Series
ISBN: 0521139813 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780521139816
Издательство: Cambridge Academ
Цена: 11245 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: This book provides a general framework for specifying, estimating and testing time series econometric models. Special emphasis is given to estimation by maximum likelihood, but other methods are also discussed, including quasi-maximum likelihood estimation, generalised method of moments estimation, nonparametric estimation and estimation by simulation.

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