Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory, Corbin Juliet M., Strauss Anselm C.
Старое издание
Автор: Flick, Uwe Название: Introduction to qualitative research 4/e ISBN: 1847873243 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781847873248 Издательство: Sage Publications Рейтинг: Цена: 5146 р. Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: This highly successful text is easily the most extensive introduction to qualitative methods in terms of its breadth and depth of coverage. For this new edition the author has done a lot of work to improve the style and readability, and the book now also includes chapters on grounded theory and on frontiers in qualitative research.
Автор: Denzin Norman K., Lincoln Yvonna S. Название: The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research ISBN: 1412974178 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781412974172 Издательство: Sage Publications Рейтинг: Цена: 0 р. Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: Presenting the state of the art for the theory and practice of qualitative inquiry, this landmark Handbook has been a publishing phenomenon in the human sciences since it first released in 1994. As with earlier editions, the Fourth Edition is virtually a new volume. Representing the best thinking from top scholars from around the world, the new edition continues the book's tradition of synthesizing an existing literature, defining the present, and shaping the future of qualitative research. The editors and contributors address issues of social justice and examine how peoples' struggles can inform public issues and in turn be transformed into social policy. Their writings are underpinned by a critical framework, and they are committed to addressing inequalities. As with previous editions, their aim is to show how the practices of qualitative research can effect change in the world in positive ways.
Автор: Corbin, Juliet M. Strauss, Anselm L. Название: Basics of qualitative research ISBN: 1412906431 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781412906432 Издательство: Sage Publications Рейтинг: Цена: 18704 р. Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: Shows the evolution of grounded theory method over time and the influence of constructionists and post-modern trends upon the author without loosing its foundations in the grounding of data and the building theory. This title includes data to practise with qualitative software, such as MAXQDA as well as student exercises.
Автор: Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy Название: Approaches to Qualitative Research: A Reader on Theory and Practice ISBN: 0195157753 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780195157758 Издательство: Oxford Academ Рейтинг: Цена: 20590 р. Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: Couples theoretical articles with practical research examples in order to help students of varying degrees develop a holistic understanding of the process of qualitative research. This book covers a range of traditional and emergent research methods as well as techniques of analysis and writing.
Название: Qualitative Research Methods ISBN: 140519202X ISBN-13(EAN): 9781405192026 Издательство: Wiley Рейтинг: Цена: 5877 р. Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: Qualitative Research Methods is a comprehensive, all-inclusive source book for the theoretical underpinnings and practical approaches to all facets of qualitative methodology.
Описание: This book provides practical step-by-step guidance for doing grounded theory (GT) using the classic approach articulated by Barney Glaser.
Автор: Lewins A Название: Using Software in Qualitative Research ISBN: 0761949232 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780761949237 Издательство: Sage Publications Рейтинг: Цена: 4803 р. Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: Combines several aspects of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS), helping the reader choose the most appropriate package for their specific needs and get the most out of the software once they are using it. This text considers tasks and processes, bringing them together to demystify qualitative software.
Автор: Youngblood Jackson Alecia Название: Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research ISBN: 0415781000 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780415781008 Издательство: Taylor&Francis Рейтинг: Цена: 6762 р. Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Winner of the 2013 American Educational Studies Association's Critics Choice Award
Thinking With Theory In Qualitative Research shows how to use various philosophical concepts in practices of inquiry; effectively opening up the process of data analysis in qualitative research. It uses a common data set and utilizes various theoretical perspectives through which to view the data. It challenges qualitative researchers to use theory to accomplish a rigorous, analytic reading of qualitative data. "Plugging in" the theory and the data produces a variety of readings applying various theorists and their concepts, including:
Derrida - Deconstruction
Spivak - Postcolonial Marginality
Foucault - Power/Knowledge
Butler - Performativity
Deleuze - Desire
Barad - Material Intra-activity
Thinking With Theory In Qualitative Research pushes against traditional qualitative data analysis such as mechanistic coding, reducing data to themes, and writing up transparent narratives. These do little to critique the complexities of social life; such simplistic approaches preclude dense and multi-layered treatment of data. It shows that "thinking with theory" pushes research and data and theory to its exhaustion in order to produce knowledge differently. By refusing a closed system for fixed meaning, a new analytic is engaged to keep meaning on the move. The result is an extension of thought beyond an easy sense.
Special features of the book include schematic cues to help guide the reader through what might be new theoretical terrain, interludes that explain the possibilities of thinking with a particular concept and theorist and detailed chapters that plug the same data set into a specific concept. This vital tool will help researchers understand and fully utilize their powers of data analysis and will prove invaluable to both students and experienced researchers across all of the social sciences.
Автор: Paivi Eriksson and Anne Kovalainen Название: Qualitative Methods in Business Research ISBN: 1446273385 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781446273388 Издательство: Sage Publications Рейтинг: Цена: 24710 р. Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: Covering all the major qualitative approaches in business research (including case study research, ethnography, narrative inquiry, discourse analysis, grounded theory and action research), this practical, how-to guide shows how qualitative methods are used within management, marketing and organizational studies.
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