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Financing Transit With Land Values, Suzuki, Murakami, Hong & Tamayos

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Автор: Suzuki, Murakami, Hong & Tamayos
Название:  Financing Transit With Land Values
ISBN: 9781464801495
Издательство: Eurospan
ISBN-10: 1464801495
Обложка/Формат: Paperback
Страницы: 208
Вес: 0.558 кг.
Дата издания: 30.01.2015
Серия: Economics/Business/Finance
Язык: English
Иллюстрации: Colour illustrations
Размер: 252 x 175 x 18
Читательская аудитория: Professional and scholarly
Ключевые слова: Urban economics,Public finance
Подзаголовок: Adapting land value capture in developing countries
Поставляется из: Англии
Описание: Cities in developing countries are experiencing unprecedented urban growth. Unfortunately, this is often accompanied by the negative impacts of sprawl as a result of rapid motorization such as congestion, air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, inefficient use of energy and time, and unequal accessibility. As these cities are often under severe fiscal constraints, they face great challenges in financing capital-intensive mass transit systems to reverse the course of these negative trends. Development-based land value capture (DBLVC) financing schemes being practiced in Asian megacities like Hong Kong SAR, China, and Tokyo have helped them not only to generate funds for transit investment and operational and maintenance costs but also to promote sustainable urban development through transit-oriented development (TOD). Many rapidly growing cities in developing countries have the conditions for introducing DBLVC + namely, strong economic growth, rising real incomes and increased motorization and congestion levels + all of which cause land value appreciation within proximity of transit stations or corridors. If adapted well to local contexts, DBLVC schemes have great potential to become an important strategic apparatus of urban finance and planning for cities in developing countries. Through a careful analysis of various case studies, this book provides strategies, policies, and methodologies that policy makers and practitioners can apply in developing their own DBLVC schemes for transit financing.

Safety and Security in Transit Environments

Автор: Ceccato
Название: Safety and Security in Transit Environments
ISBN: 1137457643 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781137457646
Издательство: Springer
Цена: 16979 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: Safety and Security in Transit Environments presents interdisciplinary studies from leading international authors. This important volume identifies key challenges and complexities in addressing security and safety concerns in transit settings, policy recommendations for prevention, and new frontiers for research at transit settings.

Women in Transit Through Literary Liminal Spaces

Автор: Gуmez Reus Teresa
Название: Women in Transit Through Literary Liminal Spaces
ISBN: 1137330465 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781137330468
Издательство: Springer
Цена: 12577 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: This edited book provides a unique opportunity for international scholars to contribute to the exploration of liminality in the field of Anglo-American literature written by or about women between the Victorian period and the Second World War.

The Transit Dimension of EU Energy Security

Автор: Yafimava, Katja
Название: The Transit Dimension of EU Energy Security
ISBN: 019959922X ISBN-13(EAN): 9780199599226
Издательство: Oxford Academ
Цена: 9346 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: The book Sides of the Same Coin is the true story of a one-time social service worker, who lost employment and moved into his mother`s home to help care for her amidst mental deterioration and aging. After a major disagreement between siblings, this once-proud worker, who had serviced clients within all walks of the social service realm, was unceremoniously evicted by people who had relied upon his help countless times in their journeys through adult life. Such assistance was even given to their children more times than imaginable. It was during these times, that this worker was unceremoniously told he was no longer welcome in his mother`s home anymore, and since he assisted clients with their housing needs, he could use his knowledge to find suitable housing for himself. That worker was me. This was the start of a venture I never thought I would ever face. I too was appalled at the little assistance other clients received in the shelter system. This will only become worse due to the pandemic. And for the multitude of those who have fallen behind in rent payments, I believe it will only be a matter of time before the courts evict countless such individuals, and give them no choice but to seek false help from the public shelter systems. Read this book and learn what you never expected to see, face or have to experience in your lifetime. The only suitable name for the New York Shelter System is a living hell.

Urban Transit: Operations, Planning and Economics

Автор: Vukan R. Vuchic
Название: Urban Transit: Operations, Planning and Economics
ISBN: 0471632651 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780471632658
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 20742 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.

Описание: Covers various aspects of urban transit operations, planning and economics.

Mexico, Nation In Transit

Автор: Sisk
Название: Mexico, Nation In Transit
ISBN: 0816530653 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780816530656
Издательство: Eurospan
Цена: 5405 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: Mexico, Nation in Transit examines how the Mexican migrant population in the United States is represented in the Mexican national im-aginary--on both sides of the border. Exploring representations of migration in literature, film, and music produced in the past twenty years, Christina Sisk argues that Mexico is imagined as a nation that exists outside of its territorial borders and into the United States. Although some Americans feel threatened by the determined resilience of Mexican national identity among immigrants, Sisk counters that the persis-tence of immigrant Mexicans' identities with their homeland--with the cities, states, regions, and nation where they were born or have family--is not in opposition to their identity as Americans.

Sisk's transnational investigation moves easily across the US-Mexico border, analyzing films made on both sides, literature de la frontera, Mexican rock music, migrant narratives, and texts written by second- and third-generation immigrants. Included are the perspectives of those who left Mexico, those who were left behind, and the children who travel back "home." Sisk discovers that the loss of Mexicans to the United States through emigration has had an effect on Mexico similar to the impact of the perceived Mexican invasion of the United States.

Spanning the social sciences and the humanities, Mexico, Nation in Transit poses a new transnational alternative to the postnational view that geopolitical borders are being erased by the forces of migration and globalization, and the nationalist view that borders must be strictly enforced. It shows that borders, like identities, are not easy to locate precisely.

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