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Income Contingent Loans, Chapman

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Цена: 18866р.
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Автор: Chapman
Название:  Income Contingent Loans
ISBN: 9781137413185
Издательство: Springer
ISBN-10: 1137413182
Обложка/Формат: Hardback
Страницы: 284
Вес: 0.583 кг.
Дата издания: 2014
Серия: International economic association
Язык: English
Иллюстрации: Biography
Размер: 239 x 158 x 23
Читательская аудитория: Professional & vocational
Подзаголовок: Theory, practice and prospects
Ссылка на Издательство: Link
Поставляется из: Германии
Описание: This study explores the prospect of the application of the basic principles of ICL into many other potential areas of social and economic policy. Using case studies it evaluates previously implemented ICL schemes where interest rate subsidies are usually the norm, and questions the merits of this approach.

Income Contingent Loans

Автор: Stiglitz Joseph E
Название: Income Contingent Loans
ISBN: 1137413190 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781137413192
Издательство: Springer
Цена: 6986 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: This study explores the prospect of the application of the basic principles of ICL into many other potential areas of social and economic policy. Using case studies it evaluates previously implemented ICL schemes where interest rate subsidies are usually the norm, and questions the merits of this approach.

Actuarial mathematics for life contingent risks

Автор: Dickson, David C.m. Hardy, Mary R. Waters, Howard
Название: Actuarial mathematics for life contingent risks
ISBN: 0521118255 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780521118255
Издательство: Cambridge Academ
Цена: 6811 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.


Sjukskoterskans Omvardnadskunnandear den idealiska bokenfor svenska sjukskoterskor.Sjukskoterskans Omvardnadskunnandear baseradpaFundamentals of Nursingav Kozier, Erb, Berman och Snyder och den svenska utgavan har bearbetats avett mycket erfaret team av svenska forskare och forelasare.

Texten ar omfattande och har genomgaende ett praktiskt perspektiv som ger en grundlig inblick i amnet.

Boken tar bland annat upp omvardnadens historiska utveckling, lagar och traditioner, halsa och ohalsa, etikoch sakerhet i vardandet, infektionskontroll och hygien, hud och sar, fysisk aktivitet, atandet, vatskebalansoch utsondringar, smarta, akut omhandertagande, palliativ vard.

Pa ett pedagogiskt och informativt satt levandegors materialet samtidigt som studenterna far en god insikt i praktiskt arbete med hjalp av:

  • Berattelse fran vardeninleder de flesta kapitel och har som syfte att visa nagot som en sjukskoterska kan mota, med sikte pa kapitlets innehall.
  • OmvГЋВЈrdnadsprocessenar utover ett sarskilt kapitel ocksa en rubrik i flera kapitel. Dar papekas under Bedomning sadant som kan behova sarskilt observeras, anvandbara skalor och bedomningsinstrument presenteras och ges referenser.
  • Begreppetomvardnadsdiagnoserges utrymme, ofta med exempel fran NANDA-klassifikationen.
  • Nar det ar relevant presenteras denfysiologisom behovs for att forsta patientens symtom och varfor viss omvardnad behover utforas.
  • Forskning i fokus -forskningsstudier som anvands som stod i form av informativa rutor.
  • Arbetsledande synpunkterges i samband med omvardnadsatgarder som ofta utfors av annan vardpersonal och dar sjukskoterskan har ett arbetsledande ansvar.

Bokens hanvisningar till Vardhandboken gor att atgarder presenteras sakert och uppdaterat.

Birgitta Klang och Ingrid Thorell-Ekstrand (bada leg sjukskoterskor, doktorer imedicinsk vetenskap, tidigare lektorer vid Roda Korsets Hogskola och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset) ar bokens huvudredaktorer. De har arbetat med ett mycket erfaret forfattarteam som tillsammans har bred kunskap och gedigen erfarenhet
av undervisning inom (TM)mnet.

Contingent Capital

Автор: Goyer, Michel
Название: Contingent Capital
ISBN: 0199578087 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780199578085
Издательство: Oxford Academ
Цена: 15840 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: The increased power of finance has been singled out as a common factor in the corporate scandals of the early 2000s and the turmoil in the financial markets at the end of the decade. Contingent Capital examines the importance of institutional context in understanding the behaviour of the institutional investors behind this financial power.

Actuarial Mathematics for Life Contingent Risks

Автор: Dickson, David C. M.
Название: Actuarial Mathematics for Life Contingent Risks
ISBN: 1107044073 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781107044074
Издательство: Cambridge Academ
Цена: 12514 р.
Наличие на складе: Поставка под заказ.

Описание: Actuarial Mathematics for Life Contingent Risks, 2nd edition, is the sole required text for the Society of Actuaries Exam MLC Fall 2015 and Spring 2016. It covers the entire syllabus for the SOA Exam MLC, including new sections for Spring 2016. It is ideal for university courses and for individuals preparing for professional actuarial examinations - especially the new, long-answer exam questions. Three leaders in actuarial science balance rigor with intuition and emphasize practical applications using computational techniques to provide a modern perspective on life contingencies and equip students for the products and risk structures of the future. The authors then develop a more contemporary outlook, introducing multiple state models, emerging cash flows and embedded options. The 210 exercises provide meaningful practice with both long-answer and multiple choice questions. Furthermore: • the book has been updated to include new material on discrete time Markov processes, on models involving joint lives, and on universal life insurance and participating traditional insurance • the Solutions Manual (ISBN 9781107620261), available for separate purchase, provides detailed solutions to the text's exercises.

Contingent Convertibles [Cocos]: A Potent Instrument For Financial Reform

Автор: Von Furstenberg George M
Название: Contingent Convertibles [Cocos]: A Potent Instrument For Financial Reform
ISBN: 9814619892 ISBN-13(EAN): 9789814619899
Издательство: World Scientific Publishing
Цена: 14256 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.


Contingent Convertibles (CoCos) represent debt that is subject to being converted automatically into common equity under pre-specified terms of conversion if the chosen regulatory capital ratio falls to a level triggering conversion. CoCos are that subspecies of contingent capital that references regulatory (Basel III) concepts in its triggers. From 2014, trigger points are set by common equity (Common Equity Tier 1 [CET1]) in percent of risk-weighted assets [RWA] or of more complicated measures of total exposure to a variety of risks, particularly credit risk. This is the first comprehensive book on CoCos, an innovative instrument that has attracted growing attention since it was first issued in 2009.

The book is mostly concerned with going-concern 'recovery-' rather than 'resolution-' CoCos, because avoiding failure and costly disruption of financial networks without government financing is the first order of business. CoCos hold a high promise of providing fully loss-absorbing equity capital when it is most needed and least available to financial institutions. Yet, having grown out of the 2007-2009 financial crisis, they are still an 'infant' reform instrument in many respects. Few of the instrument's design features (or even the rating, regulatory, and tax treatments) are entirely settled. This book seeks to move the discussion toward, and then past, the main decision points so that CoCos can prove their value for contingency planning and self-insurance all over the world. It is intended to increase the ability of issuers and investors to analyze and understand the different kinds of CoCos.

Solutions Manual for Actuarial Mathematics for Life Continge

Автор: Dickson David C M
Название: Solutions Manual for Actuarial Mathematics for Life Continge
ISBN: 1107608449 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781107608443
Издательство: Cambridge Academ
Цена: 3325 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: Presenting state-of-the-art research on green radio communications and networks, this book is a comprehensive treatment for researchers and professionals working in wireless communication. It summarizes existing and ongoing research on different aspects of energy-efficient technologies and serves as a one-stop reference of essential information for future generation cellular wireless systems.

Leveraged Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Loans, Bonds, and Other High-Yield Instruments

Автор: Maxwell William, Shenkman Mark
Название: Leveraged Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Loans, Bonds, and Other High-Yield Instruments
ISBN: 0071746684 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780071746687
Издательство: McGraw-Hill
Цена: 16129 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: A guidebook that provides you with what you need to navigate the highyield market in the integrated global economy. It gives you the insight and strategies you need to: use the Sharpe ratio to measure the return versus risk for high-yield debt; develop and oversee a portfolio of high-yield bonds; and, value individual high-yield issuances.

From Buildings and Loans to Bail-Outs

Автор: Mason
Название: From Buildings and Loans to Bail-Outs
ISBN: 0521101220 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780521101226
Издательство: Cambridge Academ
Цена: 4750 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: First appearing in the 1830s savings and loans, encourage their working-class members to adhere to the principles of thrift and mutual co-operation as a way to achieve the `American Dream` of home ownership. This book traces the development of this industry from its origins as a movement of a loosely affiliated collection of institutions into a major element of America`s financial markets.

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