Computer Age Statistical Inference, Bradley Efron and Trevor Hastie
Новое издание
Автор: Bradley Efron , Trevor Hastie Название: Computer Age Statistical Inference, Student Edition ISBN: 1108823416 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781108823418 Издательство: Cambridge Academ Цена: 4909 р. Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщикаПоставка под заказ. Описание: Computing power has revolutionized the theory and practice of statistical inference. Now in paperback, and fortified with 130 class-tested exercises, this book explains modern statistical thinking from classical theories to state-of-the-art prediction algorithms. Anyone who applies statistical methods to data will value this landmark text.
Описание: This text presents statistical methods for studying causal effects and discusses how readers can assess such effects in simple randomized experiments.
Автор: Anatolyev, Stanislav Gospodinov, Nikolay Название: Methods for estimation and inference in modern econometrics ISBN: 1439838240 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781439838242 Издательство: Taylor&Francis Рейтинг: Цена: 14083 р. Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Methods for Estimation and Inference in Modern Econometrics provides a comprehensive introduction to a wide range of emerging topics, such as generalized empirical likelihood estimation and alternative asymptotics under drifting parameterizations, which have not been discussed in detail outside of highly technical research papers. The book also addresses several problems often arising in the analysis of economic data, including weak identification, model misspecification, and possible nonstationarity. The book's appendix provides a review of some basic concepts and results from linear algebra, probability theory, and statistics that are used throughout the book.
Topics covered include:
Well-established nonparametric and parametric approaches to estimation and conventional (asymptotic and bootstrap) frameworks for statistical inference
Estimation of models based on moment restrictions implied by economic theory, including various method-of-moments estimators for unconditional and conditional moment restriction models, and asymptotic theory for correctly specified and misspecified models
Non-conventional asymptotic tools that lead to improved finite sample inference, such as higher-order asymptotic analysis that allows for more accurate approximations via various asymptotic expansions, and asymptotic approximations based on drifting parameter sequences
Offering a unified approach to studying econometric problems, Methods for Estimation and Inference in Modern Econometrics links most of the existing estimation and inference methods in a general framework to help readers synthesize all aspects of modern econometric theory. Various theoretical exercises and suggested solutions are included to facilitate understanding.
Описание: This is a history of parametric statistical inference, written by one of the most important historians of statistics of the 20th century, Anders Hald. This book can be viewed as a follow-up to his two most recent books, although this current text is much more streamlined and contains new analysis of many ideas and developments. And unlike his other books, which were encyclopedic by nature, this book can be used for a course on the topic, the only prerequisites being a basic course in probability and statistics.The book is divided into five main sections:* Binomial statistical inference;* Statistical inference by inverse probability;* The central limit theorem and linear minimum variance estimation by Laplace and Gauss;* Error theory, skew distributions, correlation, sampling distributions;* The Fisherian Revolution, 1912-1935.Throughout each of the chapters, the author provides lively biographical sketches of many of the main characters, including Laplace, Gauss, Edgeworth, Fisher, and Karl Pearson. He also examines the roles played by DeMoivre, James Bernoulli, and Lagrange, and he provides an accessible exposition of the work of R.A. Fisher.This book will be of interest to statisticians, mathematicians, undergraduate and graduate students, and historians of science.
Название: Probability Theory and Statistical Inference ISBN: 0521424089 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780521424080 Издательство: Cambridge Academ Рейтинг: Цена: 7285 р. Наличие на складе: Поставка под заказ.
Описание: This major new textbook from a distinguished econometrician is intended for students taking introductory courses in probability theory and statistical inference. No prior knowledge other than a basic familiarity with descriptive statistics is assumed. The primary objective of this book is to establish the framework for the empirical modelling of observational (non-experimental) data. This framework known as 'Probabilistic Reduction' is formulated with a view to accommodating the peculiarities of observational (as opposed to experimental) data in a unifying and logically coherent way. Probability Theory and Statistical Inference differs from traditional textbooks in so far as it emphasizes concepts, ideas, notions and procedures which are appropriate for modelling observational data. Aimed at students at second-year undergraduate level and above studying econometrics and economics, this textbook will also be useful for students in other disciplines which make extensive use of observational data, including finance, biology, sociology and psychology and climatology.
Автор: Boos Название: Essential Statistical Inference ISBN: 1461448174 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781461448174 Издательство: Springer Рейтинг: Цена: 15372 р. Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: A superb resource on statistical inference for researchers or students, this book has R code throughout, including in sample problems, and an appendix of derived notation and formulae. It covers core topics as well as modern aspects such as M-estimation.
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