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Cloherty and Stark`s Manual of Neonatal Care 8e, Anne R. Hansen, Eric C. Eichenwald, Ann R. Stark

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Цена: 3194р.   8323р.
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Часть учебного курса: 
Автор: Anne R. Hansen, Eric C. Eichenwald, Ann R. Stark
Название:  Cloherty and Stark`s Manual of Neonatal Care 8e
Перевод названия: Энн Хансен: Руководство по сохранению новорожденных по Клогерти и Старку
ISBN: 9781496343611
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN-10: 1496343611
Обложка/Формат: Paperback
Страницы: 1124
Вес: 0.92 кг.
Дата издания: 01.12.2016
Серия: Medicine
Язык: English
Издание: 8 ed
Иллюстрации: 100
Размер: 133 x 205 x 33
Читательская аудитория: Professional and scholarly
Ключевые слова: Paediatric medicine, MEDICAL / Pediatrics
Ссылка на Издательство: Link
Поставляется из: Англии
Описание: Concise and easy to read, this popular manual has provided a practical approach to the diagnosis and medical management of problems in the newborn through seven outstanding editions. The Eighth Edition of Cloherty and Stark’s Manual of Neonatal Care maintains that tradition of excellence, offering NICU physicians, neonatal-perinatal fellows, residents, and neonatal nurse practitioners quick access to key clinical information, fully updated to reflect recent advances in the field. Written in an easy-access outline format, this extensively revised edition covers current, practical approaches to the evaluation and management of routine and complex conditions encountered in the fetus and the newborn. Key Features: New Key Points in each chapter provide additional guidance. New coverage and chapters on non-immune hydrops fetalis and vascular anomalies. A new section on endocrinology streamlines content for easier reference. Extensive family support content includes chapters on breastfeeding, developmental care, bereavement, and decision making and ethical dilemmas. Popular appendices include common NICU medication guidelines and the effects of maternal drugs on the fetus. Intubation/sedation guidelines and a guide to neonatal resuscitation on the inside covers for fast reference. Written by expert authors from major neonatology programs across the U.S. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues

      Новое издание
Cloherty and Stark`s Manual of Neonatal Care

Автор: Ann R. Stark, Anne R. Hansen, Camilia R Martin
Название: Cloherty and Stark`s Manual of Neonatal Care
ISBN: 1975159527 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781975159528
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Цена: 8803 р.  


Наличие на складе: Есть (3 шт.)
Описание: Practical, informative, and easy to read, Cloherty and Stark's Manual of Neonatal Care, 9th Edition, offers an up-to-date approach to the diagnosis and medical management of routine and complex conditions encountered in the newborn. Written by expert authors from major neonatology programs across the U.S. and edited by Drs.

Eric C. Eichenwald, Anne R. Hansen, Camilia R.

Martin, and Ann R. Stark, this popular manual has been fully updated to reflect recent advances in the field, providing NICU physicians, neonatal-perinatal fellows, residents, and neonatal nurse practitioners with quick access to key clinical information. Provides essential, detailed information on the evaluation and management of common and unusual neonatal conditions, with extensive updates from cover to cover.

Includes new information on multiple topics, including genetics, respiratory management, infectious diseases, and neonatal jaundice, with 2 new chapters on quality improvement and safety in the NICU, and racial disparities in neonatal care. Uses an easy-access outline format and numerous tables to help you find what you need quickly. Features extensive family support content, with chapters on breastfeeding, developmentally supportive care, bereavement, and decision-making and ethical dilemmas.

Contains appendices on neonatal emergency drug dosing and intubation sedation guidelines for fast reference. Enrich Your eBook Reading ExperienceRead directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.


Examination of the newborn, 3 ed.

Автор: Lomax, Anne
Название: Examination of the newborn, 3 ed.
ISBN: 111964559X ISBN-13(EAN): 9781119645597
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 5219 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: Examination of the Newborn ist ein Muss f 1/4r Studenten und Fachkr fte, die mit der Untersuchung von Neugeborenen betraut sind.
Die 3. Auflage dieses evidenzbasierten Praktikerbuchs spiegelt die aktuellen britischen Gesundheitsstandards f 1/4r die Untersuchung von S uglingen wider und gibt Lesern die erforderliche Hilfestellung, um auf Familien zugeschnittene, hochwertige Pflegeleistungen in Einklang mit geltenden nationalen Richtlinien erbringen zu k nnen. Jedes Kapitel bezieht sich auf die einschl gigen Standards und stellt damit Good Practice im Krankenhaus und bei niedergelassenen „rzten und Gesundheitspersonal vor.

Diese vollst ndig 1/4berarbeitete Auflage beinhaltet die f 1/4r einschl gige Pr 1/4fungen relevanten aktuellen Leitlinien im Bereich Ausbildung und Pflege, auch aktuelle Informationen zu den neuen Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)-Standards. Neue und erweiterte Themen beziehen sich auf Anamnese und Untersuchung von Neugeborenen, Fragestellungen rund um den Beruf der Hebamme, den Einsatz von Pulsoximetern und die wichtige Mutter-Kind-Bindung w hrend einer Untersuchung. Dieses Buch ist ein wertvoller Leitfaden f 1/4r die Untersuchung von Neugeborenen und
- spiegelt die aktuellen Standards klinischer Praxis des britischen National Screening Committee (UK NCS) wider.
- umfasst Betr ge von Experten aus einer Vielzahl von Disziplinen, die u. a. Untersuchungen des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems, der Haut, von Nacken und Augen beschreiben sowie auf Chromosomen- und Gendefekte, Verhaltensmuster von Neugeborenen und viele weitere Aspekte eingehen.
- enth lt farbige Fotos und Illustrationen, klinische Fallstudien und Zugriff auf eine aktualisierte und erweiterte Website mit interaktiven Fragen, Checklisten, Links zu Videos und eine F 1/4lle von Informationen rund um die Untersuchung von Neugeborenen.

Examination of the Newborn ist ein unverzichtbares Referenzwerk f 1/4r angehende Pflegekr fte, Hebammen, Pflegepersonal auf Neugeborenenstationen, „rzte, Kinder rzte, Physiotherapeuten und Allgemeinmediziner.

Neonatology at a Glance, 4th edition

Автор: Tom Lissauer et al
Название: Neonatology at a Glance, 4th edition
ISBN: 1119513197 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781119513193
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 5694 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: Neonatology at a Glance bietet einen pr gnanten und eing ngigen œberblick 1/4ber die Neonatalogie und greift auf die Erfahrung international f 1/4hrender Spezialisten zur 1/4ck. Jedes Thema wird auf zwei Seiten ausf 1/4hrlich erkl rt und um unz hlige Diagramme und Illustrationen erg nzt. Die j 1/4ngsten Erkenntnisse und Fortschritte in der Perinatalmedizin, Genetik, Beatmungstechnik, therapeutischen Hypothermie, Antibiotikatherapie und Familienpflege werden pr sentiert. Dieses Buch besch ftigt sich auch mit der Vielzahl an Problemen, die bei der Versorgung von Neugeborenen auftreten k nnen, ob bei gesunden Neugeborenen oder Neugeborenen, die eine Intensivbetreuung ben tigen.

Neonatalogy at Glance:
- Aktualisierte Auflage mit allem Wissenswerten rund um das Fachgebiet, darunter Wiederbelebung von Neugeborenen und Betreuung von Fr 1/4hgeborenen.
- Besch ftigt sich mit komplexen Themen wie Schmerzbehandlung, Ethik, Patientensicherheit, evidenzbasierte Medizin, Palliativmedizin und Sterbebegleitung.
- Beschreibt im Detail eine Vielzahl von Eingriffen, darunter gering invasive Surfactant-Gabe, Ultraschall des Sch dels, œberwachung des Gehirns und Neuroimaging, Transport von Neugeboren.

Neonatology at a Glance ist der perfekte Leitfaden f 1/4r medizinisches Personal auf Neugeborenenstationen, angehende Kinder rzte, Studenten der Medizin, Pflegesch 1/4lerinnen und Pflegesch 1/4ler auf Neugeborenenstationen, Pflegpersonal auf Neugeborenenstationen. Therapeuten und Hebammen. F 1/4r Dozenten der Neonatologie und P diatrie ist das Referenzwerk der ideale Begleiter.

Klaus and Fanaroff`s Care of the High-Risk Neonate, 7th Edition

Автор: Fanaroff, Avroy A.
Название: Klaus and Fanaroff`s Care of the High-Risk Neonate, 7th Edition
ISBN: 032360854X ISBN-13(EAN): 9780323608541
Издательство: Elsevier Science
Цена: 12125 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.


Trusted by neonatologists for more than 40 years, Klaus and Fanaroff's Care of the High-Risk Neonate provides unique, authoritative coverage of technological and medical advances in this challenging field, and includes personal and practical editorial comments that are the hallmark of this renowned text. The 7th Edition helps you take advantage of recent advances in the NICU that have improved patient care, outcomes, and quality of life, with new coverage of genetics and imaging, new cases and commentary throughout, new contributors, and much more.

  • Covers all aspects of high-risk neonatal care, including resuscitation, transport, nutrition, respiratory problems and assisted ventilation, and organ-specific care.
  • Includes two new chapters: Genetics, Inborn Errors of Metabolism, and Newborn Screening; and Neonatal Imaging.
  • Features new case studies, new editorial comments that provide pearls and red herrings, and question-and-answer sections at the end of each chapter. These popular features set this book apart from other NICU-related titles.
  • Uses a new two-color format for readability and quick reference.
  • Contains updated content throughout; easy-to-follow clinical workflow algorithms; numerous tables and illustrations; useful appendices with drug information, normal values, and conversion charts.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
Fanaroff and Martin`s Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 2-Volume Set

Автор: Richard J. Martin, Avroy A. Fanaroff, Michele C Walsh
Название: Fanaroff and Martin`s Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 2-Volume Set
ISBN: 0323567118 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780323567114
Издательство: Elsevier Science
Цена: 38022 р.
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.


Trusted by physicians and advanced practice providers through ten standard-setting editions, Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 11th Edition, remains the reference of choice for expert, multidisciplinary guidance on the management and evidence-based treatment of problems in the mother, fetus, and neonate. An expanded team of international authors, led by Drs. Richard J. Martin, Avroy A. Fanaroff, and Michele C. Walsh of Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, brings you up to date with advances in the control of nosocomial infections in preterm infants, genetic disorders and birth defects, the fetal origins of adult disease, the late preterm infants, and much more - all designed to help you improve the quality of life and long-term outcomes of your patients.

  • Helps you make informed clinical choices for each patient - from diagnosis and treatment selection through post-treatment strategies and management of complications - with a dual focus on neonatology and perinatology.
  • Includes a new chapter on Social and Economic Contributors to Neonatal Outcome.
  • Features extensive updates and reorganization throughout, with new Key Points at the end of each chapter
  • Provides up-to-date, evidence-based content, with more information on precision medicine and genetics.
  • Uses over 600 detailed, full-color illustrations that depict disorders in the clinical setting and explain complex information.
  • Offers indexing in both volumes that provides quick access to specific guidance.
  • Remains the most comprehensive, multidisciplinary text in the field - an excellent source of information for every stage of your practice.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Avery`s Neonatology Board Review

Автор: Chess, Patricia
Название: Avery`s Neonatology Board Review
ISBN: 0323549322 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780323549325
Издательство: Elsevier Science
Цена: 14147 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: Certification and Clinical Refresher.

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