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New Critical Legal Thinking: Law and the Political, Stone Matthew, Wall Illan Rua, Douzinas Costas

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Автор: Stone Matthew, Wall Illan Rua, Douzinas Costas   (Мэттью Стоун)
Название:  New Critical Legal Thinking: Law and the Political
Перевод названия: Мэттью Стоун: Новое критическое правовое мышление
ISBN: 9780415533058
Издательство: Taylor&Francis
ISBN-10: 0415533058
Обложка/Формат: Paperback
Страницы: 280
Вес: 0.434 кг.
Дата издания: 14.03.2014
Серия: Birkbeck law press
Язык: English
Размер: 234 x 158 x 16
Читательская аудитория: Tertiary education (us: college)
Ключевые слова: Jurisprudence & philosophy of law, LAW / Jurisprudence,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Essays,POLITICAL SCIENCE / History & Theory
Подзаголовок: Law and the political
Описание: New Critical Legal Thinking articulates a newly-emergent stream of politically engaged contemporary critical legal scholarship.

Critical Company Law

Автор: Talbot Lorraine
Название: Critical Company Law
ISBN: 0415538823 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780415538824
Издательство: Taylor&Francis
Цена: 6920 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.


The second edition of Critical Company Law provides a framework in which to understand how the company functions in society and a thorough grounding in modern legal doctrine. It shows how modern company law is shaped by a multi-layered history of politics, ideology, economics and power. Through the lens of political economic theory the book shows how the company becomes the mechanism through which the state makes political choices about distributing societies' wealth and through which it responds to economic crises. The current law reflects an economy marked by a disjuncture between the low profits of the productive economy and the high profits of the finance economy. Critical Company Law examines areas of company law to show how they reflect a fragile economy inexorably drawn to social and economic inequality and short-termism.

These include:

- The Doctrine of Separate Corporate Personality

- Groups of Companies and Tort Liabilities

- Company Formation and the Constitution

- Directors' Duties and Authority

- Corporate Capacity

- Shares and Shareholders

- Raising and Maintaining Capital

- Minority Protection

In this uniquely hybrid book the legal topics are treated with detail and clarity, providing an engaging introduction to the key topics required for a student of company law.

The Opening of American Law: Neoclassical Legal Thought, 1870-1970

Автор: Hovenkamp Herbert
Название: The Opening of American Law: Neoclassical Legal Thought, 1870-1970
ISBN: 0199331308 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780199331307
Издательство: Oxford Academ
Цена: 11326 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: Two Victorian Era movements affected American legal thought: Darwinian natural selection and marginalist economics. Darwinism emphasized instinct and random selection. Marginalism emphasized rational choice. Notwithstanding profound differences in the assumptions and methodologies of these movements, legal theory accommodated both.

Reconstruction of the juridico-political

Название: Reconstruction of the juridico-political
ISBN: 0415524822 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780415524827
Издательство: Taylor&Francis
Цена: 22809 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.


Hans Kelsen and Max Weber are conventionally understood as the original proponents of two distinct and opposed processes of concept formation generating two separate and contrasting theoretical frameworks for the study of law. The Reconstruction of the Juridico-Political: Affinity and Divergence in Hans Kelsen and Max Weber contests the conventional understanding of the theoretical relationship between Kelsen's legal positivism and Weber's sociology of law. Utilising the conceptual frame of the juridico-political, the contributors to this interdisciplinary volume analyse central points of affinity and divergence in the work of these two influential figures. Thus, the chapters collected in The Reconstruction of the Juridico-Political offer a comprehensive reconsideration of these affinities and divergences, through a comparison of their respective reconstruction of the notions of democracy, the State, legal rights and the character of law. From this reconsideration a more complex understanding of their theoretical relationship emerges combined with a renewed emphasis upon the continued contemporary relevance of the work of Kelsen and Weber.   

One Nation Undecided: Clear Thinking about Five Hard Issues That Divide Us

Автор: Schuck Peter H.
Название: One Nation Undecided: Clear Thinking about Five Hard Issues That Divide Us
ISBN: 0691167435 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780691167435
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 4805 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.


A unique primer on how to think intelligently about the thorniest public issues confronting us today

Let's be honest, we've all expressed opinions about difficult hot-button issues without always thinking them through. With so much media spin, political polarization, and mistrust of institutions, it's hard to know how to think about these tough challenges, much less what to do about them. One Nation Undecided takes on some of today's thorniest issues and walks you through each one step-by-step, explaining what makes it so difficult to grapple with and enabling you to think smartly about it.

In this unique what-to-do book, Peter Schuck tackles poverty, immigration, affirmative action, campaign finance, and religious objections to gay marriage and transgender rights. For each issue, he provides essential context; defines key concepts and values; presents the relevant empirical evidence; describes and assesses the programs that now seek to address it; and considers many plausible solutions. Schuck looks at all sides with scrupulous fairness while analyzing them rigorously and factually. Each chapter is self-contained so that readers may pick and choose among the issues that interest and concern them most. His objective is to educate rather than proselytize you--the very nature of these five issues is that they resist clear answers; reasonable people can differ about where they come out on them.

No other book provides such a comprehensive, balanced, and accessible analysis of these urgent social controversies. One Nation Undecided gives you the facts and competing values, makes your thinking about them more sophisticated, and encourages you to draw your own conclusions.

Law at Work: Studies in Legal Ethnomethods

Автор: Dupret Baudouin, Lynch Michael, Berard Tim
Название: Law at Work: Studies in Legal Ethnomethods
ISBN: 0190210249 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780190210243
Издательство: Oxford Academ
Цена: 15787 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: This collection of empirical studies addresses many questions about the conduct of law in practice by treating law as a relationship between legal institutions and an external society.

Legal-Lay Communication Textual Travels in the Law

Автор: Heffer
Название: Legal-Lay Communication Textual Travels in the Law
ISBN: 0199746834 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780199746835
Издательство: Oxford Academ
Цена: 8578 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: Provides an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of the way texts emerging in the legal process `travel` in various ways to produce new forms and new meanings in new contexts.

Legal Emblems and the Art of Law

Автор: Goodrich
Название: Legal Emblems and the Art of Law
ISBN: 1107546109 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781107546103
Издательство: Cambridge Academ
Цена: 5318 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: This book is the first to look closely and critically at the history of images of law. This long overdue work incisively reconstructs the history of the emblem tradition to evidence the extent to which a gallery of images of law already exists and structures how the public realm is displayed, made present and viewed.

Foundation of the juridico-political

Название: Foundation of the juridico-political
ISBN: 0415524814 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780415524810
Издательство: Taylor&Francis
Цена: 22809 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: Addressing the foundation of the concept of the juridico-political in the work of Hans Kelsen and Max Weber, this book provides an important re-assesment of the usual distinction between legal positivism and the sociology of law.

Critical Issues in Social Work Law

Автор: Brammer Alison
Название: Critical Issues in Social Work Law
ISBN: 1137541504 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781137541505
Издательство: Springer
Цена: 4743 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: Written by a team of leading authorities in the field, this collection provides a critique of the law as it applies to social work practice, and identifies key contemporary issues for social work. Tackling topics such as trafficking, youth justice and child protection, the book is a valuable contribution to the debates in social work law.

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