Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness International Edition, Waugh, Anne
Новое издание
Автор: Энн Вог Waugh, Anne, Grant, Allison Название: Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, 14th Edition ISBN: 0323834604 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780323834605 Издательство: Elsevier Science Цена: 5358 р. Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщикаПоставка под заказ. Описание: This book examines the ways individuals in the US and Russia consume and construct collective memories of political events via a reestablished Cold War-like narrative in both media systems. The book contextualizes the rebirth of this phenomenon via seven political events involving Russia, examining the contemporary role of conscious media distrust in subconscious psychological processes.
Автор: Potter, Patricia A. Название: Fundamentals of Nursing, 10th Edition ISBN: 0323749615 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780323749619 Издательство: Elsevier Science Рейтинг: Цена: 16746 р. Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Designed for portability, this clinical companion provides at-a-glance access to the information you need for more than 200 medical-surgical conditions and procedures. Completely updated content mirrors the revisions in the new 11th edition of Lewis's main text: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. This clinical companion is organized alphabetically for quick reference and includes a variety of full-color illustrations, summary tables, and a handy reference appendix full of laboratory values, Spanish translations of key phrases, and other information commonly used in nursing practice.
Consistent and practical information
covers definitions and descriptions, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, complications, diagnostic studies, interprofessional care and drug therapy, and nursing management.
Treatments and Procedures section summarizes the need-to-know content about common medical-surgical treatments and procedures such as basic life support, enteral nutrition, and artificial airway management.
Handy reference appendix contains information commonly used in nursing practice, including laboratory values, commonly used formulas, Spanish translations of key phrases, and much more.
Patient and caregiver teaching content is highlighted with a special icon to identify appropriate information to share with patients and caregivers about the care of various conditions.
Cross-references to the Lewis main text identify how to access more in-depth information.
Attractive four-color design makes it easy to locate specific information within the clinical companion.
NEW! Updated content
reflects the revisions and updates in Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing, 11th Edition main text.
Описание: pacote do Courseware consiste em duas publicacoes, VeriSMTM - Foundation Courseware e VeriSM - Foundation Study Guide. Este material de treinamento abrange o plano de estudos para a qualificacao da Fundacao VeriSM . O treinamento pode ser entregue em dois dias. Este material didatico e credenciado para preparar o aluno para a certificacao da VeriSM Foundation. O VeriSM Foundation consiste em duas partes: VeriSM Essentials e VeriSM Plus, cada uma cobrindo um dia de treinamento.Os alunos que ja possuem um certificado de Gerenciamento de Servicos (TI) podem se beneficiar do conhecimento que ja possuem. Eles sao o publico-alvo de apenas um treinamento do VeriSM Plus. Ao serem aprovados no exame VeriSM Plus, recebem o certificado VeriSM Foundation.Provedores de treinamento que desejam oferecer um treinamento de um dia sobre principios de gerenciamento de servicos podem decidir oferecer apenas o treinamento VeriSM Essentials. Os alunos que forem aprovados no exame VeriSM Essentials receberao o certificado VeriSM Essentials. Se eles passarem no exame VeriSM Plus mais tarde, receberao automaticamente o certificado VeriSM Foundation.O "courseware" abrange os seguintes topicos:A organizacao do servico (Essentials)Cultura de servico (Essentials)Pessoas e estrutura organizacional (Essentials)O modelo VeriSM (ambos)Praticas Progressivas (Plus)Tecnologias Inovadoras (Plus)O VeriSM e uma abordagem holistica e orientada aos negocios para o Gerenciamento de Servicos, que ajuda a entender o panorama crescente das melhores praticas e como integra-las para oferecer valor ao consumidor.E uma evolucao no pensamento em Gerenciamento de Servicos e oferece uma abordagem atualizada, incluindo as mais recentes praticas e desenvolvimentos tecnologicos, para ajudar as organizacoes a transformar seus negocios para a nova realidade da era digital.O VeriSM e um gerenciamento orientado a valor, evolutivo, responsivo e integrado.VeriSM e uma marca registrada e propriedade da IFDC, a Fundacao Internacional de Competencias Digitais.
Название: Lippincott Nursing Procedures. 8 ed ISBN: 146981529X ISBN-13(EAN): 9781469815299 Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Рейтинг: Цена: 10639 р. Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
This start-to-finish guide includes over 400 nursing procedures--from basic to advanced.
Every entry lists equipment, details each step to perform right at the bedside, and provides rationales and cautions to ensure patient safety and positive outcomes. Organized alphabetically for fast, easy access, the 8th Edition of Lippincott Nursing Procedures addresses what the nurse needs to know and do to perform best-practice procedures concerning infection control, specimen collection, physical assessment, drug administration, IV therapy, and hemodynamic monitoring, as well as procedures related to body systems, such as chest tube insertion, peripheral nerve stimulation, and intra-abdominal pressure monitoring.
Thoroughly updated, this edition also includes new evidence-based entries on synchronized cardioversion, gait belt use, intermittent infusion device flushing and locking, isolation garb use, nasal bridal insertion and removal, pneumatic antishock garment application and removal, self-medication administration practice, and weaning a patient from a ventilator.
With clear, step-by-step guidelines and hundreds of sidebars, photos, illustrations, and eye-catching alerts (Nursing Alerts, Pediatric, Elder, Hospital-Acquired Condition Alerts), you'll find the level of detail required to provide optimal hands-on patient care. Packed with pre- and postprocedure nursing considerations, warnings about potential complications, troubleshooting tips, and other helpful advice, this go-to reference provides everything you need to do your job confidently and well, whether you are beginning your nursing career, learning a new skill, or brushing up on a familiar technique.
Описание: Prepare for medical-surgical nursing practice and success on the NCLEX with Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 14th Edition . A favorite resource for students and practicing nurses for over a half-century, this book provides comprehensive yet accessible coverage of a broad range of medical conditions while focusing on the nursing process and the nurse’s role in caring for and educating patients and families within today’s complex health care delivery system. Up-to-date coverage of the health care needs of people with disabilities, nursing research findings, ethical considerations, and evidence-based practice gives you opportunities to refine your clinical decision-making skills. Fully updated and enhanced, this new edition provides a fully integrated solution that promotes clinical judgment, performance, and success on the NCLEX examination and in nursing practice. Key Features in the 14th Edition: NEW! New chapter on assessment and management of patients with obesity including expanded content on gastric and duodenal disorders. NEW! Interdisciplinary feature in every chapter. Nursing students should be educated in an environment that provides such interdisciplinary educational experiences based on mutual understanding and respect and designed to enhance the practice of each discipline. EXPANDED! Immunodeficiency chapter includes updated HIV infection and AIDS content. UPDATED! The following units have been revised Immunologic Function, Digestive and Gastrointestinal Function, and Metabolic and Endocrine Function. Concept Mastery Alerts clarify difficult concepts, informed by data from Misconception Alert questions in PrepU for Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing , 12e. Quality and Safety Nursing Alerts build upon previous edition’s Nursing Alerts to highlight issues related to quality and safety nursing care. UPDATED! The unit openers include new Case Studies with QSEN Competency Focus to highlight a competency and related knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Additional information for these case studies related to NANDA-I, NIC, NOC and the nursing process is available online. Prioritization Questions have been added to the Critical Thinking Exercises . Genetics Charts and Ethical Dilemma Charts have been revised to reflect the latest advances in the field. Critical care information has been updated to further the authors' goal to have the most up-to-date and clinically relevant content on critical care throughout the book. The Table of Contents has been reorganized for a more logical sequence and flow. Nursing Process sections, Plans of Nursing Care , and Critical Care sections More than 2,900 NCLEX-style review questions Assessment Charts, Risk Factor Charts, Guidelines Charts , Genetics in Nursing Practice Charts, Patient Education Charts, Health Promotion Charts , Ethics and Related Issues Charts , and Pharmacology Charts and tables. Gerontologic Considerations sections, Physiology/Pathophysiology figures, and updated Home Care Checklists Nursing Research Profiles and EBP questions help students learn the importance of evidence-based practice. Concepts in Action Animations bring anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology concepts to life.
Описание: Survive clinical skills training with this essential guide for all student nurses. Providing words of wisdom and advice from real-life student nurses, Clinical Skills for Nurses is a friendly, quick-reference guide to all the key skills you need to
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