Prakash Atlas Of Orthopaedic Surgical Exposures Included 1 Audio Cd And 1 Multimedia Dvd (Hb 2017), Prakash L
Автор: Morrey Название: Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Surgical Exposures ISBN: 0781798914 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780781798914 Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Рейтинг: Цена: 24464 р. 34949.00-30% Наличие на складе: Есть (1 шт.) Описание: Demonstrates approximately 100 of the widely used surgical exposures. This title is illustrated with full-color, sequential photographs of anatomic dissections, with accompanying drawings by a noted medical illustrator to give surgeons a full understanding of what they will encounter in a patient.
Автор: Hoppenfeld Название: Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics ISBN: 0781742285 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780781742283 Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Цена: 28443 р. Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: "Featuring over 800 full-color illustrations, this atlas demonstrates the surgical approaches used in orthopaedics and provides a surgeon's-eye view of the relevant anatomy. Each chapter details the techniques and pitfalls of a surgical approach, gives a clear preview of anatomic landmarks and incisions, and highlights potential dangers of superficial and deep dissection.
Описание: A standard textbook for 25 years, Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach is now in its Fourth Edition. Featuring 775 full-color illustrations, this atlas demonstrates the surgical approaches used in orthopaedics and provides a surgeon's
Автор: deBoer Название: Surgical Exposures in Foot & Ankle Surgery ISBN: 1451144504 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781451144505 Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Рейтинг: Цена: 24353 р. Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: Surgical Exposures in Foot and Ankle: The Anatomic Approach demonstrates the surgical approaches used in foot and ankle surgery by orthopaedic surgeons and podiatrists. This reference contains material covering the foot and ankle from the bestselling, Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics . Thirty-five new approaches have been added covering the ankle, the hindfoot, the mid-foot, and the forefoot. Each chapter details the techniques and pitfalls of a surgical approach, gives a clear preview of anatomic landmarks and incisions, and highlights potential dangers of superficial and deep dissection. The approach section concludes with a description of how to enlarge the approach. After the presentation of the approach there is a section on the anatomy of each approach that covers the regional anatomy encountered during the approach. Featuring over 200 full-color illustrations, this atlas provides a surgeon’s-eye view of the relevant anatomy.
Описание: Our decision to dedicate several years to the writing of this Atlas was based on the professional acknowledgement of negative surgical results due to incorrect or incomplete approaches to the bones or joints requiring treatment.
Автор: Stanley Hoppenfeld, Piet de Boer, Richard Buckley Название: Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach ISBN: 1496309472 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781496309471 Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Рейтинг: Цена: 36622 р. Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: Through four outstanding editions, this highly regarded text has provided a clear, surgeon’s-point of view of orthopaedic anatomy using easy-to-follow descriptions accompanied by hundreds of superb, full-color illustrations. The state-of-the-art fifth edition brings you up to date with recent changes in the field, using a highly relevant anatomic approach that has become increasingly important as approaches become smaller. Designed to increase your anatomic knowledge, increase safety, and improve patient outcomes, this updated resource is a must-have reference for today’s orthopaedic surgeon. Key Features Each chapter details the techniques and pitfalls of a surgical approach, gives a clear preview of anatomic landmarks and incisions, and highlights potential dangers of superficial and deep dissection. Seventeen high-quality procedural videos provide over an hour of surgeries from every relevant angle, including a split screen with diagrams. Updates of existing surgical approaches include expanded approaches for emergency decompression of a compartment syndrome of the lower leg and forearm, as well as the addition of a classic approach to fixation of distal radial fractures. New coverage of the posterior and postero-lateral approaches to the tibial plateau, surgical dislocation of the hip, a minimally invasive anterior approach to the hip joint, and the lateral approach to the metatarso phalangeal joint of the hallux. Revisions include clear depictions of the iliopectinal fascia and the step technique for the flip osteotomy of the greater trochanter. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Автор: Koval Название: Atlas of Orthopaedic Surgery: A Multimedia Reference ISBN: 0781717884 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780781717885 Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Рейтинг: Цена: 34763 р. Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: "Developed from video recordings made with state-of-the-art cameras in master surgeons' operating rooms, this innovative full-color atlas/DVD package provides a true-to-life, step-by-step tutorial on 37 common orthopaedic surgical procedures. An atlas featuring vivid intraoperative photographs, plus surgical drawings and ""how-to"" instructions rich in clinical pearls, is supplemented by an interactive multimedia DVD featuring 1 hour of real-time narrated video.
Автор: Christopher Jordan Название: Atlas of Orthopaedic Surgical Exposures ISBN: 0865777764 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780865777767 Издательство: Thieme Verlagsgruppe Цена: 27132 р. Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: The problem with most orthopedic surgery books is that they don't accurately portray what you see in a surgical setting. This outstanding atlas, featuring nearly 400 beautifully executed color photographs, provides the first visual guide to surgical anatomy as you see it. Special features of the atlas include: *Over 400 high-quality color photographs that vividly depict surgical anatomy* Fresh cadaver specimens portray the true colors of the anatomy involved* Step-by-step coverage of more than 60 approaches to the foot, hand, thigh, knee, spine, and more * Clear identification of all structures revealed during each step of the exposure* Each approach is accompanied by practical advice on its uses, advantages, disadvantages, structures at risk, technique, helpful tricks, and what will become visible if you get off trackIdeal for residents, Atlas of Orthopaedic Surgical Exposures offers a practical and vivid introduction to surgical anatomy, providing them with the essential orientation they need. Seasoned orthopedic surgeons will turn to this book to refresh their knowledge of the surgical anatomy and ensure a smooth operation.
Описание: Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
Part of the highly regarded Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery series, Relevant Surgical Exposures, Second Edition, is a concise, lavishly illustrated reference designed to assist today's orthopaedic surgeons in a crucial task: choosing and executing the exposure necessary for a given procedure. It presents successful, widely used exposures for hand and wrist, forearm, elbow, humerus, shoulder, pelvis, hip and acetabulum, femur, knee, tibia and fibula, foot and ankle, and spine, all in step-by-step detail. Fully revised with new exposures, anatomic dissections, and illustrations throughout, as well as a section on preferred exposures for trauma, this Second Edition is ideal for orthopaedic surgeons at all levels of experience.
Presents approximately 100 preferred exposure techniques of surgical masters, illustrated with full-color, sequential, surgeon's-eye view photographs, as well as superb drawings by noted medical illustrators.
Virtually every chapter is enhanced by exceptional anatomic dissections of unexcelled quality.
Includes substantial additions to the shoulder, hip and acetabulum, knee and leg, as well as many more exposures for minimally invasive procedures in all areas.
Features enhanced and expanded full-color drawings throughout.
Provides the up-to-date guidance you need to master both well-established exposures and recent exposures for minimally invasive procedures.
Contains practical guidance, pearls, and tips from Dr. Bernard Morrey and his son, Dr. Matthew Morrey, as well as other leading orthopaedic surgeons.
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