Sjukskoterskans Omvardnadskunnandear den idealiska bokenfor svenska sjukskoterskor.Sjukskoterskans Omvardnadskunnandear baseradpaFundamentals of Nursingav Kozier, Erb, Berman och Snyder och den svenska utgavan har bearbetats avett mycket erfaret team av svenska forskare och forelasare.
Texten ar omfattande och har genomgaende ett praktiskt perspektiv som ger en grundlig inblick i amnet.
Boken tar bland annat upp omvardnadens historiska utveckling, lagar och traditioner, halsa och ohalsa, etikoch sakerhet i vardandet, infektionskontroll och hygien, hud och sar, fysisk aktivitet, atandet, vatskebalansoch utsondringar, smarta, akut omhandertagande, palliativ vard.
Pa ett pedagogiskt och informativt satt levandegors materialet samtidigt som studenterna far en god insikt i praktiskt arbete med hjalp av:
Berattelse fran vardeninleder de flesta kapitel och har som syfte att visa nagot som en sjukskoterska kan mota, med sikte pa kapitlets innehall.
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Begreppetomvardnadsdiagnoserges utrymme, ofta med exempel fran NANDA-klassifikationen.
Nar det ar relevant presenteras denfysiologisom behovs for att forsta patientens symtom och varfor viss omvardnad behover utforas.
Forskning i fokus -forskningsstudier som anvands som stod i form av informativa rutor.
Arbetsledande synpunkterges i samband med omvardnadsatgarder som ofta utfors av annan vardpersonal och dar sjukskoterskan har ett arbetsledande ansvar.
Bokens hanvisningar till Vardhandboken gor att atgarder presenteras sakert och uppdaterat.
Birgitta Klang och Ingrid Thorell-Ekstrand (bada leg sjukskoterskor, doktorer imedicinsk vetenskap, tidigare lektorer vid Roda Korsets Hogskola och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset) ar bokens huvudredaktorer. De har arbetat med ett mycket erfaret forfattarteam som tillsammans har bred kunskap och gedigen erfarenhet av undervisning inom (TM)mnet.
Название: Cloth dolls for tex artists ISBN: 071349039X ISBN-13(EAN): 9780713490398 Издательство: Anova Рейтинг: Цена: 3133 р. Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: Ray Slater provides patterns for different doll shapes, from the simplest stump doll to the more complicated jointed doll. The book gives practical instruction on needle-sculpting expressive faces, as well as details on how to use the patterns to make the basic cloth doll.
Описание: Since her introduction in 1959, Barbie® has reigned supreme in the world of dolls, and today she is collected by fans around the world. A required resource for all Barbie collectors, the revised and expanded second edition of this ideal reference book features more than 150 new images and updated prices. Now over 400 beautiful colour photos illustrate this complete listing of Barbie, her friends, and their many outfits and accessories, through her vintage years from 1959 to 1972. Along with Barbie this second edition includes her sister Skipper® and their friends, relations, and pets. Ken®, Midge®, Allan®, Francie®, Scooter®, and all the rest are here. This thorough guide presents the dolls first, followed by a comprehensive look at all the outfits and accessories available for each doll. Never before presented in such detail and with so many images, every set entry lists all the pieces originally included with the doll or outfit packages. Values are given both for the complete sets and for the individual items in the sets. The listing also provides each items stock number, date, and value.
Автор: Lagretta Metzger Bajorek Название: America`s Early Advertising Paper Dolls ISBN: 0764307029 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780764307027 Издательство: Schiffer Рейтинг: Цена: 5262 р. Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: Colorful paper dolls that sold everything from coffee to cathartics, from tea to thread, from cocoa to corsets. These dolls were the playthings of generations of children from the 1890s to the First World War. These wonderful examples of advertising art include fanciful characters from the imagination of artists like Palmer Cox. Dolls dressed in the national costumes of the many immigrants to the United States had a special appeal to everyone. Dolls depicting characters from favorite nursery rhymes and folk tales were issued by many advertisers; these dolls filled the playtime hours of many. Dolls appealing to our patriotism take on the form of Uncle Sam, soldiers, and sailors. Dolls also appeared as Americans at work and play. Human characteristics were even ascribed to animals of all kinds to give children an opportunity to dress them up in colorful costumes. It is difficult to find a segment of society not represented by a paper doll! Whether youre a collector or someone simply interested in the charm and culture of turn-of-the-century America, this book is sure to make a good addition to your library.
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