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Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World, Reinhart Matthew Christian

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Автор: Reinhart Matthew Christian
Название:  Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World
Перевод названия: Мэтью Рейнхарт: Принцессы Диснея
ISBN: 9781608875535
Издательство: Simon & Schuster
ISBN-10: 1608875539
Обложка/Формат: Hardback
Вес: 1.088 кг.
Дата издания: 03.11.2015
Язык: English
Иллюстрации: Illustrations
Размер: 253 x 294 x 63
Читательская аудитория: Children / juvenile
Подзаголовок: A magical pop-up world
Поставляется из: США
Описание: Это визуально потрясающая книга, бессмертные персонажи которой определили фильмы о принцессах Диснея как драгоценную часть истории поп-культуры и анимации, наполнена затейливо задуманными возникалками, трансформируемыми сценками и многими другими сюрпризами. С помощью приёмов современного бумажного моделирования и прекрасно исполненных иллюстраций книга "Диснеевская принцесса: Волшебный возникающий мир" воскрешает замки и персонажи, захватывая волшебные миры, которые восхищали зрителей на протяжении десятилетий. Эта коллекционный экспонат магии Диснеевской принцессы охватывает одиннадцать фильмов и принцесс, в том числе таких любимых фанатами, как Бёлль, Белоснежка, Ариэль и Рапунцель. Благодаря более чем двадцати пяти возникалкам и трансформируемым сценкам, ключевые кадры из этих любимых фильмов выпрыгивают из страниц, а сопроводительный текст делает чтение этой книги замечательно интерактивным, что очень важно для семейного общения. Присоединяйтесь к Золушке, когда она преображается для бала, Жасмин, отправляющейся в полёт на ковре-самолете, Авроре, когда она колет палец о прялку Малефисенты и спасается принцем, и храбро сражающейся за свою судьбу Мериде. Будучи изданием с возникающими образами, исключительно привлекательным для коллекционеров, диснеевских фанатов и малышей всех возрастов, "Диснеевская принцесса: Волшебный возникающий мир" является данью уважения этим бессмертным героям, историям и сказкам.
Описание: Starring the timeless characters that have made the Disney Princess films a treasured part of pop culture and animation history, this visually stunning volume is packed with intricately designed pop-ups, trans-formative scenes, and many other surprises. With state-of-the-art paper engineering and beautifully rendered illustrations, Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World brings these castles and characters brilliantly to life, capturing the magical worlds that have enthralled audiences for decades. This collectible piece of Disney Princess magic spans eleven films and princesses, including fan-favorites such as Belle, Snow White, Ariel, and Rapunzel. Through over twenty-five pop-ups and transformative scenes, the key moments from these beloved films leap from the page, and the accompanying text makes this book a wonderful interactive reading experience that families will treasure. Join Cinderella as she transforms for the ball, Jasmine as she embarks on a magic carpet ride, Aurora as she pricks her finger on Maleficent s spinning wheel and is saved by her prince, and Merida as she bravely fights to decide her own destiny. The ultimate pop-up for collectors, Disney fans, and kids of all ages, Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World is an indispensable celebration of these enduring characters, stories, and fairy tales.

Cinderella-Pop Up

Автор: Reinhart
Название: Cinderella-Pop Up
ISBN: 1416905014 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781416905011
Издательство: Simon & Schuster
Цена: 5081 р.
Наличие на складе: Ожидается поступление.

Описание: A Classic Collectible Pop-Up
Matthew Reinhart's resplendent retelling of "Cinderella" comes to life with intricate pop-ups, foil, ribbons, acetate, and amazing dimensional surprises. The stunning transformation of a pumpkin into a magnificent coach, a rat into a coachman, and Cinderella into a beautiful princess is pure magic."

Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs: The Definitive Pop-Up

Автор: Sabuda Robert Clarke, Reinhart Matthew
Название: Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs: The Definitive Pop-Up
ISBN: 0763622281 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780763622282
Издательство: Random House (USA)
Цена: 5612 р.
Наличие на складе: Ожидается поступление.

Описание: From renowned pop-up masters Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart comes an awe-inspiring tribute to the world's most beloved extinct animals and their 180-million-year reign on our planet.

Open this book and a massive T. REX springs out, flashing a startling jawful of jagged teeth. Turn the next spread and a ravishing raptor unfurls and appears to fly off the edge of the page. Inside the amazing ENCYCLOPEDIA PREHISTORICA: DINOSAURS are "shield bearers" in full-body armor, creatures with frilly headgear, and weighty, long-necked giants. There are even amusing tidbits on the history of paleontology itself -- like a pop-up version of a Victorian New Year's dinner in the belly of a dinosaur model, or a pair of scientists locked in a literal tug-of-war over bones.

Full of fascinating facts and lighthearted good humor, this breathtaking book includes fascinating, up-to-the-minute information about popular dinosaurs as well as many lesser-known varieties. With each of six spreads featuring one spectacular, large pop-up as well as booklets of smaller pop-ups and text, ENCYCLOPEDIA PREHISTORICA: DINOSAURS is a magnificent display of paper engineering and creativity -- an astonishing book that will be read, admired, and treasured forever.

The Bread Baker`s Apprentice, 15th Anniversary Edition: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread

Автор: Reinhart Peter
Название: The Bread Baker`s Apprentice, 15th Anniversary Edition: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread
ISBN: 1607748657 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781607748656
Издательство: Random House (USA)
Цена: 4066 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: WINNER OF THE JAMES BEARD AND IACP AWARD - Learn the art of bread making through techniques and recipes for making pizza dough, challah, bagels, sourdough, and more

"For the professional as well as the home cook, this book is one of the essentials for a bread baker's collection."--Nancy Silverton, chef and co-owner, Mozza Restaurant Group

Co-founder of the legendary Brother Juniper's Bakery, author of ten landmark bread books, and distinguished instructor at the world's largest culinary academy, Peter Reinhart has been a leader in America's artisanal bread movement for more than thirty years. Never one to be content with yesterday's baking triumph, however, Peter continues to refine his recipes and techniques in his never-ending quest for extraordinary bread.

In this updated edition of the bestselling The Bread Baker's Apprentice, Peter shares bread breakthroughs arising from his study in France's famed boulangeries and the always-enlightening time spent in the culinary college kitchen with his students. Peer over Peter's shoulder as he learns from Paris's most esteemed bakers, like Lionel Poil ne and Phillippe Gosselin, whose pain l'ancienne has revolutionized the art of baguette making. Then stand alongside his students in the kitchen as Peter teaches the classic twelve stages of building bread, his clear instructions accompanied by more than 100 step-by-step photographs.

You'll put newfound knowledge into practice with fifty master formulas for such classic breads as rustic ciabatta, hearty pain de campagne, old-school New York bagels, and the book's Holy Grail--Peter's version of the famed pain l'ancienne, as well as three all-new formulas. En route, Peter distills hard science, advanced techniques, and food history into a remarkably accessible and engaging resource that is as rich and multitextured as the loaves you'll turn out. In this revised edition, he adds metrics and temperature conversion charts, incorporates comprehensive baker's percentages into the recipes, and updates methods throughout. This is original food writing at its most captivating, teaching at its most inspired and inspiring--and the rewards are some of the best breads under the sun.

Peter reinhart`s artisan breads fast

Автор: Reinhart, Peter
Название: Peter reinhart`s artisan breads fast
ISBN: 1580089984 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781580089982
Издательство: Random House (USA)
Цена: 3049 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть (2 шт.)
Описание: The renowned baking instructor distills professional techniques down to the basics, delivering artisan bread recipes that anyone with flour and a fridge can bake with ease.

Reinhart begins with the simplest French bread, then moves on to familiar classics such as ciabatta, pizza dough, and soft sandwich loaves, and concludes with fresh specialty items like pretzels, crackers, croissants, and bagels. Each recipe is broken into "Do Ahead" and "On Baking Day" sections, making every step--from preparation through pulling pans from the oven--a breeze, whether you bought your loaf pan yesterday or decades ago. These doughs are engineered to work flawlessly for busy home bakers: most require only a straightforward mixing and overnight fermentation. The result is reliably superior flavor and texture on par with loaves from world-class artisan bakeries, all with little hands-on time.

America's favorite baking instructor and innovator Peter Reinhart offers time-saving techniques accompanied by full-color, step-by-step photos throughout so that in no time you'll be producing fresh batches of Sourdough Baguettes, 50% and 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Loaves, Soft and Crusty Cheese Bread, English Muffins, Cinnamon Buns, Panettone, Hoagie Rolls, Chocolate Cinnamon Babka, Fruit-Filled Thumbprint Rolls, Danish, and Best-Ever Biscuits.

Best of all, these high-caliber doughs improve with a longer stay in the fridge, so you can mix once, then portion, proof, and bake whenever you feel like enjoying a piping hot treat.

Game of Thrones: A Pop-up Guide to Westeros

Автор: Reinhart Martin
Название: Game of Thrones: A Pop-up Guide to Westeros
ISBN: 0593073452 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780593073452
Издательство: Random House - Penguin
Цена: 5720 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: Featuring pop-up recreations of several key locations from the series, including the formidable castle of Winterfell, the lavish capital city King`s Landing, and the Wall`s stark majesty, this book takes readers into the world of the series.

Peter reinhart`s wholegrain breads

Автор: Reinhart, Peter
Название: Peter reinhart`s wholegrain breads
ISBN: 1580087590 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781580087599
Издательство: Random House (USA)
Цена: 3812 р.
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Описание: In this follow-up to his award-winning book The Bread Baker's Apprentice, Peter Reinhart offers groundbreaking methods for baking whole grain breads that taste better than any you've ever had.

We know whole grain breads are better for us, but will we actually eat them, much less take time to bake them?

Yes, says beloved baking instructor Peter Reinhart, but only if they are very, very good. So Reinhart, with his decades of experience crafting amazing artisanal breads, has made it his mission to create whole grain breads that are nothing short of incredible.

And because his approach is also simpler and less labor intensive than conventional techniques, you'll choose to make and eat these breads. His fifty-five recipes for whole grain sandwich, hearth, and specialty breads, plus bagels, crackers, and more, incorporate widely available whole wheat flour as well as other flours and grains such as rye, barley, steel-cut oats, cornmeal, and quinoa. Each is so rich with flavor and satisfying texture that white-flour counterparts pale in comparison.

Written in Reinhart's famously clear style and accompanied by inspiring photographs, these recipes were perfected with the help of nearly 350 testers. Introductory chapters provide a tutorial, with step-by-step photographs, of the delayed fermentation method that is at the heart of these recipes, as well as a crash course in baking science, discussions of grains other than wheat, and more. Advanced bakers will relish Reinhart's innovative techniques and exacting scientific explanations, and beginning bakers will rejoice in the ease of baking wholesome breads with such extraordinary flavor.

A Princess Like Me: A Royal Pop-Up

Автор: Reinhart Matthew
Название: A Princess Like Me: A Royal Pop-Up
ISBN: 0307976440 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780307976444
Издательство: Random House (USA)
Цена: 710 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Transformers: Ultimate pop-up universe

Автор: Reinhart Matthew
Название: Transformers: Ultimate pop-up universe
ISBN: 0316186627 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780316186629
Издательство: Hachette Book Group
Цена: 4274 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: TRANSFORMERS shift, change, and rise to battle in this spectacular interactive pop-up adventure by bestselling paper engineer Matthew Reinhart. Open each page to explore a different part of the vast Transformers universe-then pull the tabs to watch the pop-ups change into entirely new paper creations! Watch as the planet Cybertron changes into an epic battle on Earth. Then look out for the mighty Autobot Omega Supreme - Reinhart's tallest pop-up ever - as he rises off the page to smash Decepticon foes. In this epic pop-up experience unlike any seen before, only you hold the power to make the Autobots and Decepticons turn from vehicles to robots, and back again. Starring more than 35 iconic Transformers characters, including Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, Starscream, and more, Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe offers fans new and old a pop-up experience they won't ever forget. Here's a book that's truly more than meets the eye!

DC Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book

Автор: DC Comics, Reinhart Matthew
Название: DC Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book
ISBN: 0316019984 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780316019989
Издательство: Hachette Book Group
Цена: 4619 р.
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Описание: A stunning pop-up exploration of everyone`s favourite DC Super Heroes by bestselling paper engineer, Matthew Reinhart

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